Chapter 9: A Suprising Offer

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He grinned, showing off his dazzling white teeth. "Now we're getting somewhere. Name's Wes. I'm guessing you are Storm Tyler?"

My eyes widened in surprise. How did he know my name? "I-I-how do you..." I trailed off, not able to finish my sentence.

Wes shook his head, a small smirk still evident on his lips. "I believe this," He pulled a small grey rectangular thing from his back pocket, holding it up for me to see. "Is yours?"

My jaw dropped when I saw what he was holding.

My cellphone.

"How? Where? Wait-" I stuttered until a thought crossed my mind. I stared at him with wide eyes. "You-you stole it at the supermarket! Right after I got my ice cream back, you took it!" I accused.

He shrugged like theft wasn't a big deal. "I only got even."

I gaped at him once again. "Get even? How in the name of fudge is stealing my cellphone getting even? What did I even do?"

Wes chuckled. "You took something of mine, I took something of yours."

My eyes narrowed. "No. That's not how this works. You know I could call the police, right?" I couldn't let him get away with something like this.

He snorted. "Actually you won't." He stated confidently. I looked at him like he had grown two heads. Is this guy nuts?

"Yeah? And what makes you so sure?" I taunted. Wes leaned forward slightly, resting his arm on the door frame.

"Because I happen to have something you want." He said matter-of-factly.

I glanced at him skeptically. "And what's that?" I did my best to remain calm and cool, even when on the inside, my blood was pumping through my body as my heart beat frantically.

"A job. Your application has been accepted."

I frowned. "What are you talking about?"

Wes eyed me before explaining. "Over a week ago, you sent out an application to Mark's Pawn Shop. I am here to inform you that you have been accepted." I saw his lips pull up into a smile. "The supermarket thing was just a coincidence."

"Sorry, but I already have an offer. Besides, you didn't email me back beforehand." I said.

"Actually, we did. Last night." He answered.


"But this isn't a joke, Storm. My boss thinks that you will be joining, and he would get very angry if you didn't show up. Trust me, he isn't the kind of person you want to mess with." Wes said gravely. "Not just anyone is accepted into that position."

I scowled, ignoring the curiosity bubbling inside of me. "Whatever, the point is, I already have a job. In other words, thanks but no thanks." I started to close the door, when a hand appeared in my line of vision.

I freaked out, thinking he would try to hit me (though looking back on the situation, he was actually reaching to stop the door from closing). On instinct, my arm shot out, blocking his hand. I don't know when it happened, but I had moved so I was in front of the door.

I faked a punch to his face before switching hands and attempting to punch him in the stomach. It didn't quite go that way though, because he caught my hand with his own. I kicked out with my right leg, which he blocked with his left forearm. He threw a sloppy punch at my head. I quickly dogged it, leaning backwards and then throwing a fist at his face. He caught my wrist, so instead of yanking it away, I tried to punch with my freehand. He caught it, lowering both of my arms while still keeping them captive.

Wes pulled me towards him so the only thing separating us was our fists. I glared daggers at him while his face was serious.

I couldn't help but slightly admire his dark blue eyes. A ring of dark green surrounded the pupil, a few gold flecks appeared randomly in the green. Wait! What am I doing!

Suddenly, he smiled. "I knew I found the right one." He muttered. Wes let go of my hands.

My scowl deepened when he just stood there. "Leave." I demanded.

His expression once again turned stony. "Fine. But remember this, Storm. I will make you regret rejecting the job." He stared into my eyes, his own holding a promise,

Wes spun on his heel. "Oh, one more thing." He grabbed something from his pocket and tossed it to me. I stared at my phone with wide eyes.

"See ya, Storm." Wes called before walking away, leaving me completely and utterly flabbergasted.

I sighed. At least he gave me my phone back. Besides, I doubted he was going to do anything.

I straightened up, brushing my sweaty hands on my jeans and locked the door. Time to get ready for my first ever job.

I nodded encouragingly to myself.

I've got this.


Hallo :D

Thank you guys so much for all of the support!


I know it's kind of confusing at the moment, but bear with me.

Till next time,


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