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"Lils," Emily shouted through the flat. "Come here hun." She heard the familiar footsteps and banging as she pictured her daughter jump over the back of the sofa, trudge through the living room and into the kitchen where she stood. Clad in one of Emily's old jumpers, she was looking a lot healthier two months down the line. Emily was taking soem time off, not only to heal but to make sure the adoption process went through okay - and to get used to being a parent. She was loving it so far. 

"Yes mum?" Lily asked, sliding into one of the chairs at the dinner table. Emily wasn't quite used to hearing that yet, such an endearing term. According to JJ, she'd never get used to it.
"How do you feel about coming into work with me tomorrow?" Prentiss set a coffee on the table for her daughter and slid into one of the opposite seats. As much as Lily had warmed up to Emily, she was yet to warm up to the team. She knew they loved her, she knew how amazing they were but she was so skeptical with new people - she had only spoken to JJ and Rossi and that was when they came over. JJ was nice to her, hugging her, kissing her forehead. JJ was like Emily but not quite. Rossi was like her grandpa she never had. He made jokes with her but he was so patient with her, being gentle and such a calming presence. He made her laugh. 

"It won't be for long. I have to go in and speak to the director. Then if the team are all free, we're going to go out for dinner," Emily contiued, noticing Lily's silence. 
"I'm not sure," Lily responded, blowing on her coffee. "They all stare." 
"They don't stare baby, they might try hug you and talk to you but as soon as we've said our hellos then you're free to stop speaking to them. Rossi said you can stay in his office if you'd like, you can stay in mine too but I won't be there." 
"JJ will be at her desk most likely, you can sit with her too but she's in the bullpen. You can do what you like sweetheart, as long as you're comfortable," Emily explained, softly. 
Lily nodded, agreeing to go with Emily tomorrow. 

That night, Lily curled up in her mum's bed, bringing her knees to her chest and waiting for Prentiss to climb in next to her. Emily smiled, coming out of the bathroom. 
"You have your own bedroom you know," she smirked. She'd tease Lily but she wouldn't change it for the world. Lily just stuck her tongue out at Em and waited for her to lay down properly so she can cuddle up close, feel her warmth. 
"Goodnight dalring," Emily whispered, wrapping her arms around her small frame and pulling her closer. She turned out the light and let the darkness seep in. 
"Goodnight Emmy, I love you," Lily replied. 
"I love you too, angel." 

The two walked into the BAU and was greeted with cheers, balloons, music and happy people. Everyone began singing happy birthday as loudly as they could and Emily smiled taking her Birthday girl's hand. Lily teared up looking at the group around her. 
"Happy Birthday to Lily," everyone cheered. "Happy Birthday to you!" Garcia let off some party poppers and JJ brought over the cake for her to blow out the candles. Lily, despite suddenly being the centre of attention, hadn't felt a warmth like it in forever. She felt loved, safe and happy and she couldn't stop the wide smile from forming on her face. 
"Happy Birthday sweet girl," Emily smiled, wrapping her arms around her daughter and kissing her forehead. 
"How did you know it was my birthday?" Lily asked her. 
"I signed your adoption papers doofus," Emily laughed, hugging her tighter. 

The team celebrated together, eating cake and then Lily was shown to the round table room. She'd seen it before, to go over technicalities of the case involving her brothers but now, it was fully decorated and on the table was a large, very large pile of presents. They were all wrapped in the same paper, some had large bows on them, and every single one said her name. 

"All for me?" she asked, turning to the team behind her. 
"All for you cherry pie!" Garcia smiled, hurrying into the room. "Open this one first," she giggled, pushing one into her hands. Lily laughed and sat down on the chair, ripping open the present. It was an Ipad, all for her. 

The team went out for dinner, to their favourite restraunt. Lily wore a brand new dress which JJ had bought her. It was white and flowy, covered in the most beautiful crystals. She wore a denim jacket from Rossi and the new shoes from Garcia. She had on a bracelet from Morgan and Emily had done her hair. At the table, she sat beside Spencer and together, they worked through the Rubix cube he'd bought her. He showed her the tricks and then pulled out mroe puzzles for her to play with - she was transfixed. Emily sat on her other side with a wide smile on her face. She knew that today would go one of two ways, Lily would have panicked at the attention and gone into herself or she'll be so overwhelmed with lvoe and happiness she doesn't think about the attention and thankfully it was the latter. 

"You got so lucky," Rossi said, leaning over the table to Prentiss. "She's a brilliant, bright young lady." 
"She really is," Emily replied, smiling with pride. 
"She's pretty funny too," JJ laughed. 
"She's very funny, absolutely stunning as well!" Garcia interjected. 
"She's the new baby girl of the group," Morgan smirked, recieving daggers off Penelope. 
"Okay, okay she is but I was the OG baby girl," Garcia chuckled. 
"She's really, really intelligent. Statistics say-" 
"That the average 16 year-old should spennd around 3 hours completing a rubix cube if they have their entire focus on it, I did it in 2 minutes - yes yes Dr Reid," Lily chuckled, cutting Spencer off. Spencer blushed and the rest of the table laughed. 

"To our Lily Prentiss," Rossi said, holding up his whiskey glass. Everyone held up their own drinks and chorused the same thing. 
"To Our Lily Prentiss." 

my girl, Lily PrentissWhere stories live. Discover now