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"I knew you'd still be here," Rossi sighed, stepping into Emily's office.
"Hi Dave," Emily sighed, putting some hair behind her ear.
"How are you doing?"
"How would anyone be doing right now?" she snapped but then felt bad. "Sorry, I just," she took a deep breath.
"How about you head home? Get some rest so you can think clearly," Rossi suggested.
"I can't do that," she said, holding up her file. "Work to do."
"Have you eaten?"
"No, I'm not hungry," Emily replied.
"Emily," Rossi said gently, he came around her desk and closed her laptop softly. He sat one leg on the desk, lifting himself up and turned to the raven-haired girl. "This is going to be so much harder if you don't look after yourself," Rossi told her.
"I'm fine."
"Don't bullshit me," Rossi said, so calmly. Emily couldn't help but laugh. She leaned back in her chair and turned to him. "I know it hurts. I know it's hard. You need a clear head to get the quickest and best result in finding her. Go home and rest."
Emily groaned and nodded. "I can't believe I let this happen. If I'd known they were treating her like-" Rossi stopped her with his hand.
"I know. That's why you need to protect her now."

That night, Emily slept heavily, the stress of the day exhausting her. She dreamt of Lily, now. Being her own. She dreamt of waking up to her brunette baby beside her in bed after a nightmare, holding her close, and smelling her hair. She dreamt of taking her girl out to the park, on a walk or out to dinner to treat her. She dreamt of her girl's laugh, her cry, her smile. She dreamt of her having Lily back, as her own.

"Right, if I'm Lily, where would I go?" Morgan asked, standing around the table.

The team had concluded that Lily had originally run away from home however, the lack of contact had been disturbing. The last she was seen was getting in a black SUV outside a gas station, 20 miles from her home. There were two people in the front of the car and Garcia, for the life of her, couldn't trace them or the vehicle.
"I'd find someone to love me," Tara said, honestly. "Skyla told me that Lily regularly told Tori she didn't feel loved."
"Is that not what she was trying to do online?" Morgan asked, writing it on the board nonetheless.
"A young girl reaching out for validation on her body is very different to finding someone to love her," JJ explained. "Perhaps she had a boyfriend."
"All of her chats I could find were all her deals, none of them even slightly resemble a relationship," Garcia shrugged, tapping on her laptop.
"Could she have had a boyfriend in person?"
"Her teachers doubt it, she spoke to no one. When she was in school that is."
"What about out of school?"
"Again. Everyone agrees they've never seen her with other people." The group went silent, all deep in thought.
"Has anyone spoken to her biological parents?" Reid asked, suddenly thinking. JJ nodded, "Prentiss is there now."

Keeping her hands at her side, Emily walked through the prison. She waited for the guard to push open the door then clenched her jaw. Harold Addams. The sight of the man in front of her made her unbelievably angry. He destroyed her life.
"Prentiss, Prentiss, Prentiss," he sniggered, folding his arms across his chest. "Long time no see."
"Addams," she said sternly, sitting in the chair opposite him.
"What did I do to deserve such a pretty reward hm?" He asked. Emily felt sick.
"Where's your daughter?"
"Lily? Well, shouldn't you know that?"
"She's been missing for three days. Where is she?" Prentiss wasn't playing around.
"How would I know? I'm locked up." He was answering questions with questions.
"Have you been having any correspondence outside these walls?"
"Only with you beautiful lady," he glistened, leaning forwards.
Emily scoffed, "usless."

Garcia sat in her tech cave, searching through every bit of this girls life. She'd unsealed records, she'd logged into all her accounts, read her messages, her emails, her bank statements. Lily was loaded with sugar daddies and in a normal instance, Penelope would be jealous. She hummed as she tapped away on her computer, trying to find even a trace of some sort of dodgy deals behind the scenes. She groaned, picking up her laptop and heading to the round table. Reid was there with JJ, scoring through the printed documents.

my girl, Lily PrentissWhere stories live. Discover now