Chapter 24

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"Are you sure about this?" Sebastian asked as I signed into the flying trail book.

"Flying will definitely make me feel a bit better.." I looked at Imelda's sign-in and time above my name. "Nothing like being super competitive to make you feel better about yourself."

I hopped on my broom preparing myself. Sebastian walked next to me and put a hand on my knee as I started to levitate a bit.

"Alright, I'll start the timer. Remember, Imelda's time it looks like is 2 minutes 34 seconds." I nodded and handed Sebastian the little timer that was by the book.

"Very good. Ready in three. Two. One!"

I took off as soon as he said one. The power from me taking off almost knocked him over I followed the rings I'm supposed to fly through at speeds I don't think I've gotten to before. At one point I flew over the camp and I saw students look up shocked. Imelda who was now dressed for the day look up and instantly look annoyed.

"No fair! I didn't bring my broom, Hufflepuff!" she yelled as I shot over her.

I continued the course. Flying over the hamlet, going over the ocean. The spray of the water seemed to relax me a bit. I rounded the corner and saw Sebastian waiting for me. A huge smile on his face. I leaned into the broom so I could go by even faster making him almost fall again as I passed the starting point.

I watched him read time and begin jumping and yelling my name. "Ava! Ava!" 

I landed next to him and he threw himself onto me with a giant hug. "You did it! You finished in 2 minutes and 10 seconds!" I looked at the stopwatch and we both started jumping just like we were fifth year's all over again.

"I went so fast!"

"I don't think I've ever seen anyone go that fast before!"

"You almost got knocked down!" I yelled at him.

"I know it was amazing!" he cupped my face and gave me a quick kiss on the lips. "Did it help you? How are you feeling?"

I smiled and wrapped my arms around him, "better."

I heard footsteps running towards us. Imelda was running at full speed in our direction. "I swear on Merlin, Hufflepuff! If you beat my time I'm kicking your boyfriend's arse."

I wrote down my time and held out the book to her. She yanked it out of my hands and read it quickly. She groaned and started to hold her hand out. I thought she was going to smack Sebastian but instead, she held it out to me for a handshake.

"Great job, Hufflepuff." she sounded defeated. "Once again you beat my time."

Sebastian let a small laugh escape on accident at the sound of Imelda's acknowledgment of her defeat. Her head spun up at him. "I can still beat you. I know that for damn well."

Sebastian hid his laugh into a cough and straightened up. "Sorry," he muttered.


After that, Imelda asked to borrow my broom. I let her, knowing at least the broom would be safe all day with her.

Sebastian and I were laying back in the sand on the beach. It looked almost like we were in the vivarium again back at Hogwarts.

"You are wearing my sweater," he mumbled.

My face began to get hot, "you left it in my tent."

He chuckled and sat up, looking at me. "It looks lovely on you, though."

I sat up blushing. He reached forward and brushed the sand out of my hair. "About last night..." I began. I wasn't sure how to say what I was feeling correctly.

"Last night made me fall in love with you all over again," Sebastian said before I could get anything out.
I looked at him and his face was bright red.

He made the contact and we both started laughing.

"I think that's exactly what I was trying to say."

He gave me my new favorite lopsided grin at my comment and kissed me on the forehead and then on the lips.

"Are you sure you are feeling better?" he asked after a few comfortable minutes of silence.

I nodded and took his hand, squeezing it, "Yes, it was just a shock really."

"Do you blame yourself still?" I could tell he didn't want to ask that.

"I do," I said honestly. "But I'll get better. I need to toughen up. Not let people and things get to me that easily."

"That's my girl," Sebastian kissed the side of my head and let his lip linger there a little longer. I could smell cedar, sandalwood, and something else I couldn't remember the name of.

"Sebastian?" I heard him give a small hum. "Are you wearing cologne?"

I felt his smile grow against my hair. "Yeah... I started wearing it around after we got together. I heard women like to have a smell that reminds them of the person that love."

"Who told you that?"

".... Poppy..."

She was a really good best friend because he smelt so good right now.

"Good on her."

He hugged me tightly giving me more kisses on my head. "I love you, Ava."

"I love you, Sebastian."

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