Chapter 12

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"Brother Ryo are you still awake?" Sean asks through the soft snores inside the  small room the four of them share inside the ship.

They are resting in a double deck beds with a small living room next to a small bathroom they took this room in to be thrifty in using the money at hand they had.

"Yes." Ryoto whispered and turn to look down under his bed where Sean is laying under a thin blanket.

"Are we going to be safe after this?"

Ryoto looks back across them which a double deck bed also is placed. On top of it sleeping soundly is his Majesty alike Dylan under sleeping without a blanket covering him. He shifted his eyes back at Sean. "I'm not sure but his Majesty thinks this is the right decision."

"His Majesty loves his children but I can see he cares more deeply for his daughter." Sean speaks out his thoughts in all honesty. "If that barbaric Emperor catches us... and you... and his Majesty... I don't think will live."

Ryoto firmly replies. "I'm ready to die and stay by his Majesty side."

Sean scoffs. "I do too. I live through that oath but his Majesty does not deserve this... um... situation... all he ever did is love his children."

Ryoto looks away and flops back on his mattress. "His Majesty knew the consequences and we are merely his subjects."

Traveling far without stop to go back the western border where her grandmother residence is placed is too far for them to reach. Charles and Ariel needs to have breaks in the evening to sleep as they take turns at night. Vigilant group of two who works well. Charles gave extra attention to his master yet his masters kind to avoid herself from being a burden to him. She does her best as also the two of them take turns in hunting for food. The two didn't travel through the roads to avoid possible confrontation from those who seeks Minho. Ariel knew when he met the second prince along with Charles as they shared tea that day with Minho and Dylan when prince Rubius visited the shop, automatically that prince will also seek their identities. She and Charles traveled through the woods. The difficult road might it be but it will ensure them safety.

It's been three days, after she had bid her farewell to her father and his trusted knights. It's been three days and possibly by tomorrow afternoon she will be back at the mansion and tell her grandmother's what has occurred. The night is still young, Charles had set up the tent as she made fire to cook the fresh fish she had catch for the both of them at the nearby river.

Fire ignited as Charles flops to sit beside her on the green grass. "You done?" She asked.

Charles nods. "I'll take it from here, take a proper bath already you stink, my lady." He chuckles.

Ariel scoffs but laughs. "Don't mind if I do."

She hurriedly took her necessary materials before she started to walk away from Charles. She heard Charles yelled out. "Hurry, I need one too."

"Yes, I know." She yelled back. The river was just a few meters away and she could still clearly see Charles setting up to barbecue the fishes she caught. She placed her garments and robes nearby before dipping in the cold refreshing river bare naked. She swims around feeling happy for this nice location they found to get through the night.

Suddenly that happiness was short lived as she heard horses. Whipping her head back to see above where her clothes is placed. The familiar white haired man shows up along his troops. He got off his high horse and gave her a friendly smile. "A pretty lady like you isn't fit to travel in this dangerous path." He waves his hand as his men turn their heads away, looking away from her even they we're in their horses.

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