Chapter 4: Cheshire

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When will you come home?

We haven't heard from you for years.

Please say something.

Minho goes on and deletes the messages.

A lazy night afterwork Minho was smoking his cigarettes and drinking a bottle to wash up his system on his own at the stairs, earphones jacked and plugged in his cat ears has turned into a full blown drinking session when Jisung came in running, tripping and thankfully got caught by Minho by the arms.

"Careful. don't fall on me."

"Ow! sorry I was... uhhhh... gosh, tarnation."  Jisung trips and Minho holds him up, Jisung tried to get his weight but somehow the man just flops on him and rests on the stairs, "I am very exhausted." he says giving up atter a split-second of effort to stand up.

"Excuse you? This is my space and my thighs." Minho knocks on Jisung's temples. Minho has been trying his hardest to set the line in between them but Jisung is making it difficult.

"My excuses." Jisung exhilarated a sigh, sounding more relieved than tired.

"What got you all running?"

"Me, Protecting my life." He shifted to a comfortable position and slot himself in between Minho's thighs, sitting on a lower step in the staircase, and gestured with his hands.

"Okay, a bit dramatic, but are you alright?" Minho chuckles at Jisung's exaggeration.

"Just let me catch my breath. Will you?"

"Why do people always ask if you're fine when you look like absolute wreck." Jisung spats out.

"A kid would break his arm and the mother would ask if he's okay, obviously it is not!"

"Damn, Jisung."

"Silence." Jisung pouted and hushed Minho up. Watching the man's ears twitch where Jisung with thw short time they have know each other, found out that Minho's tail and ears give away more than what he says. He speaks more in his actions just very much the same with Jisung's kind.

Minho nodded then waved his hands, urging Jisung to go do whatever he wanted and let the boy be. It took a few minutes for Minho to notice Jisung's heartbeat to actually calm down. It was drumming like crazy when he arrived, the man didn't even look up in the dark and see where he was going. 

"Who would even chase you up until our floor, in these stairs besides me? " He grins widely with his teeth exposed.

"You don't wanna know." Jisung rolls his eyes to the older who continued to inhale the smoke from his nicotine stick. Jisung watched the smoke fog up and blend like the clouds on the night sky and adored the high cheekbones, topaz eyes gleaming from the light of his phone and the swaying tail behind.

"Alright, but seriously, get up, I'm smoking." Until Minho taps his arms.

"Just hide me for a minute. Just continue smoking, I don't mind." Jisung huffs as he takes Minho's wrist and rubs his neck on it, outright scenting.

He hums in satisfaction when Minho's smell is basically all over him.

Minho blinks twice and instead of pulling away, the cat plays his fingers on Jisung's neck instead, light brushing his claws on to Jisung. The distinct smell that each hybrid possesses, of course, is feline, somehow it's distinct upon different noses, and Jisung wants him to paint him with it. Like a teritory being marked. A statement. But Minho is sure that Jisung doesn't even know it.

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