Chapter 3: The Librarian

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Minho, as always, uses his spare time spent at the library. The peace it provides. Better than anywhere even at his own apartment. Just sit somewhere desolate where the couples would run to hide. Just so they can piss off and also give the librarian a run for their work.

Minho is like the jumpscare you'll see once you remove the books and he peeks from the other side. He lives as a menace to everyone but himself. He preferred to be quiet with his endeavors in school, keeping it mediocre even knowing he could do more.

He does show off outside the school borders though. A few acquaintances in the streets, the regulars in the restaurant and his co-workers egging him off as the mysterious guy, good looking guy.

He wasn't used to being alone. Instead, You can say that he was an independent person. Having two friends is better than having many. Speaking of which, he never felt lonely. Most of the time he is faring well on his own.

Not especially, when the boy next door would lull him to sleep with his nightly tunes for months now.

Four p.m.

He clocks in for his daily library visit. People overlooked that the library is one of the most funded building in their premises, It'swhere the airconditionin works properly and doesn't hurt his ears.



Jisung's head popped up. Minho could almost swear his heart lurched forward upon seeing blue locks.

"Damn, same uni." Minho leaned in forward with his elbows.

"Hello, neighbor. Identification. please." Jisung says, robotic and monotonous in a sense as if he has been done saying the same words the whole day.

"I can swipe it on my own, Thank you." Minho lifts his hands, holds in his card in between his claws and tucks in a smile. He taps the card on the sensor and his profile pops up with a color green, validating his access.

Then a long list of books appears under his name in a borrowed state.

"May I assist you with anything?" Jisung asks, like an automated voice of an NPC with a follow up question.

"No, thank you-" Minho said his automatic response without thinking.

"Wait, I actually do. Nightingale. I am returning this-"

He took out a leather-jacketed book from nowhere. The title embossed in gothic letters and slammed it in the wooden counter. The sytem blinged and showed a holo infographic hovering on top it.

Grimm's Fairy Tales

It says.

"Oh.... Could you- Alright, Can you be a little bit more gentler?" Jisung gently slides the book down the counter to the return basket.

"Sure." The smile was threatening, just like before

Minho answered as he slams another book - it dinged again, 'The secret history' with another book, "song of achilles" and then another, ended up stacking five books for return. Jisung flinching at each loud banging as Minho looks satisfied at commotion he has drawn, Good thing the library is massive and extremely unpopulated near the librarian's desk.

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