Takemichi wanted to involve the others in his plan, but seeing that they all had other personal goals that they wanted to achieve, he gave up. He also discussed with Draken about his plan, and Draken told him that Mikey chose this path by himself and that the Mikey of now is not the same Mikey of 2 years ago, the one of now could have killed him. They went for a ride on a motorcycle that Draken had just rebuilt.When they noticed that they were being followed by a motorcycle on which there was a guy who was holding Inui in one hand. The motorcycle stopped in front of them. Inui was thrown onto the road. Behind the first motorcycle, Katsumi stopped on her motorcycle.

- "Katsumi?" Takemichi asked in surprise. "What happens here?!"

- "That's what I'd like to know too! I had come for an inspection to my motorcycle when I saw this brute attacking Inui." Katsumi said.

In a short time many other motorcycles surrounded them. Katsumi stretched her arms.

- "Rokuhara Tendai, do you have a problem?" Katsumi asked coming up near Inui.

- "Draken, I came here to ask you if you want to join us", said South.

- "It doesn't matter how many times you ask me, my answer is the same, South!" Draken said. "I retired. And I don't want to be involved in whatever you do."

- "Retire?!" South said. "Oi, Draken! Forte!!"

He screamed and hit him.

- "I will never forgive you if you retire. Why was Tokyo Manji considered the strongest, if you retire?"

- "You piece of shit!" Draken said nervously.

South wanted to hit him again, but Katsumi blocked his attack.

- "Katsumi, don't interfere!" Draken shouted.

- "Oh, Akuma, how long to see you again!" South said. "Don't meddle in my business!"

- "What kind of gang leader attacks civilians?" asked Katsumi coming in front of him.

Takemichi looked scared at South and Katsumi. He was three times bigger than her, but Katsumi didn't seem to be intimidated either by him or by the crowd that surrounded them.

- "I wanted to destroy the strongest, but now Tokyo Manji no longer exists. Come work for me or die here and now, you have no other options Draken! What do you say former captain of the first division?"

- "Huh?" Takemichi looked at him puzzled.

- "What's with that innocent face? As if you have nothing to do with it! You are next!"

- "South, if you don't want to go south, I highly recommend to leave my friends alone!" Katsumi told him. "You will have to pass me if you want to reach them. Takemichi, you can get on the motorcycle and go."

- "Finally a challenge! I accept the offer, Akuma", South told her.

Out of the crowd a guy was thrown at Katsumi's feet.

Katsumi looked towards the person who attacked him.

- "Oh, come on, Brahman, don't spoil my fun!" South said.

- "Don't worry, you should have noticed the people around you", said a guy Akashi Takemoi taking off his hood.

Soon the Brahman members appeared among those present.

- "Huh, and I was just hoping to get my motorcycle serviced", said Katsumi looking at Takemoi.

- "What are you doing here, Brahman?" South asked.

- "We are not here to deal with Rokuhara Tendai, we came here after Takemichi Hanagaki!" Takemoi said. "I came to escort you."

- "Me? Why?" Takemichi asked in surprise.

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