Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

Jamies POV

I woke up to cold stiff hands picking me up. My eyes shot open and I saw Nialls face smiling innocently down at me. He picked me up and clasped his hand over my mouth before I could even think to scream.

And he carried me away.

I was crying and begging the entire time. He must have been able to understand what I was saying though his hand because he responded by saying.

"Calm down,Jamie,I'm not going to hurt you." Niall said. He walked slowly through the alleyway behind my apartment. Didn't he care that people will be able to see him?! A man walked towards us. His stare was set on something directly behind Niall. It was like he didn't even see us.

"Help! Rape!!!!!!!" I screamed through his hand. The man just walked right past Niall without sparing us a glance. WHAT THE FUCK!?!? Niall laughed.

"He can't see us Jamie." He said to me. "I put an illusion around us. No human can see,or hear, us." That freaked me out. I started screaming as loud as I can and I cryed even harder. What was he going to do with me?

My question was answered as he set me down against the brick wall of Rickys Bar. He still had his hand clasped over my mouth and I was pinned there by his body.

"Now, Jamie." He said looking me right in the eye. "You need to calm down." I shook my head. "I'm not going to hurt you. We're best friends. We've been friends for thirteen years." I shook my head. Niall sighed. "C'mon Jamie! It's me! You know it is! It's Niall!" I shook my head for a third time since I really couldnt say anything.

"Urr rot iell!" I mumbled through his hand.

"What?" He asked. Just as I hoped he would he let go of my mouth. Once he did I screamed.

"HELP!!!!!! RAPIST!!!!!!!!POLI-" His hand clamped back over my mouth.

"For the second time." Niall told me looking slightly annoyed. "No one can hear you." I was shaking in fear.

"Now, for your punishment." As soon as those words left his mouth my eyes went wide.

"No! No! No! Please! I'll be good!" I begged through his hand. Niall shook his head then put his hand on my chin and forced my head up so my neck was exposed. He opened his mouth and I saw his two thin,sharp fangs slide out of their gums. Oh my god!

Niall was going to bite me!

I closed my eyes tight shut. I've read about vampires.I mean come on, who hasn't? In all the vampire stuff I've read it hurts to get bitten. Except for vampire acadamy, and the house of night series. In those books it felt good.I felt Nialls fang tips on my neck. I let out an breath of both anticipation and fear. My breathing hitched and I waited for him to sink his teeth into my neck and drain me dry.

Only he never did.

Niall took his teeth and scraped them over my neck. From the back of my neck to the front. Then he did the same on the other side of my neck so basically his fangs scraped around my entire head once. Then he pulled back. What the heck was that! Was it some sort of weird vampire mark? Why didn't he just bite me?! WHY DID HE TO THAT?!

I was too freaked out to fight back as Niall picked me up and continued back to where ever he was taking me.


Nialls POV

I carried Jamie back to my house. She was still freaked out over my fangs being on her neck. I didn't blame her. I would be too. I didn't do it to scare her though. I did it so she didn't smell unbitten. Unbitten humans in the vampire world are like virgins in the human world. An unbitten human will smell irresistable(love that song) to a vampire. And since Jamie was going to be staying with 5 vampires I wanted to take certain precautions to make sure she had the least likely chance to get bitten.

Pretty soon I was at the house. Jamie still hadn't said anything. I'm pretty sure she's in shock or something. I opened the door and carried her up to my room. She started coming out of her silent shocked state as soon as I set her on my bed.

"Leave me alone!" She screamed.

"Calm down Jamie." I told her.

"I can't cam down! You're a freaking kidnapper!" Jamie said getting up off the bed.

"I am not a kidnapper." I said.

"Oh really?!" She growled. "You took me from my house against my will and brought me to yours. What would you call that?"

"Um . . . ." My voice trailed off. "Thats not the point." I shook my head.

"It's exactly the point!" Jamie cried. "If you were really Niall,which you aren't, You wouldn't have kidnapped me!" I saw her look around the room for something to throw at me. She grabbed the lamp and chucked it at me. I caught it and set it down. She needed a little while to calm down.

"I'm leaving." I said raising my hands backing into the doorway. I closed the door only to hear a crashand the sound of shattered glass. I burst into the room to see Jamie with the nightstand in hand breaking glass out of the window. She screamed as soon as she saw me. Jamie tried to jump out the hole in the window.

I grabbed her before she could though.

I slung Jamie, who was screaming bloody murder, over my shoulder and made my way into Harrys room. He was lounging on his bed.

"I need a pair of handcuffs." I told him. I felt Jamie stiffen on my shoulder.

"Handcuffs?! No please! I'll be good! I won't try to leave again! I swear!" She begged. I shook my head.

"Too late for the Jamie." I said. Harry opened his nightstand drawer and threw me a pair of one of his many pairs of hand cuffs.

"Thanks." I said.

"Have fun." He smirked. I rolled my eyes.

"It's not like that." I told him.

"Suuuuuure." He said. I scoffed and left his room. I carried Jamie to my room and tossed her down on the bed. I grabbed her left wrist and handcuffed her to the bed post.

"Please." She sobbed. "Let me go." I shook my head.

"Goodnight Jamie." I murmured kissing her shaking forehead. Then I left and, ,just to be safe, locked the door behind me.

Kidnapped By My (Undead) Best Friend (Niall Horan Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now