Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

Jamies POV

I woke up on the couch. I was stiff all over. This couch wasn't very comfortable. My neck ached.

"Want me to rub your neck for you?" A voice asked behind me. I looked over my shoulder and smiled as I saw Niall standing there grinning. This was a dream. I knew it was a dream becuase 1. Nialls dead, and 2. I dont remember falling asleep with a red cocktail dress on. I got up and walked over to him. He was wearing a tuxedo. Niall wrapped his arms around my waist.

"I've missed you." I told him as music from no where started playing.

"Hush." Niall replied spinning me around. "Don't talk. Just dance." Me and Niall danced like this for what seemed like years. Just as he leaned in to kiss me I woke up from Sarah slamming the door to our apartment.

"Hey!" I growled sleepily. "I was having a nice dream."

"I know." She replied. "I could hear you moaning all the way down the hall.

"I wasn't moaning!" I defended.

"Mm-hmm." Sarah hummed.

"We were dancing. Why would I moan like that from dancing?"

"Don't ask me." She pulled a peice of paper out of her pocket, unfolded it and handed it to me. "Here this might be of intrest to you. I'm going to bed."She walked back to her room and slammed the door behind her.

I glanced down at the paper. Photogragh Found it said. I excitedly read on

Ive found a photograph on the corner of west and 64th street. It looked like an important photo so Im willing to give it back free of charge. Just tell me whats in the photo and prove that its yours and I'll give you it back.

It showed a telephone number. I made a mad dash for my phone and amost dropped it in the process of dialing the numbers. It rang a few times before a boy witha slightly high pitched voice awnsered the phone.

" 'ello?" He asked with a brittish accent.

"Um, hi, did you post an ad about finding a photogragh?" I said nervously.

"Yes, indeed I did. Was it your photo?"

"Yah,It was. It's really important that I get it back. It was my best friend. . .and he's uh, dead."

"Well I'd gladly give you it back if you can tell me what this friend of yours is doing in the picture."

"Ok." I said "In the picture it shows me and my best friend Niall. We're both asleep on our sides and he has his arm wrapped around me." I blushed.

"Yep." The man replied. "Thats whats in the photo. I'll give you my address so you can come and pick it up."I quickly wrote the address down on my hand.

"Thank you!" I cried. "Thank you so much. This picture really means alot to me."

"No problem,love." He replied

"Bye. I'll be there soon."

"Good bye." I hung up the phone and ran outside. Eager to get my photo back.


Nialls POV

I watched Louis hang up the phone.

"Well?I asked.

"She's coming to get the photo." Louis replied.

"Right now?" I said.

"By the sound of it yes." Louis said. Shit. I needed more time.

"Can you,Liam,and Harry stall her for a bit? I have to change my hair so I don't scare her." Louis looked confused. I sighed and explained. "My hair used to be brown and floppy. Kind of like how Liams used to be when he first changed."

"Oh, Well okay. But what about Zayn?"

"I need him to help me with my hair." I said. Liam and Harry came out.

"Okay, so Niall needs us to stall his friend while he dyes his hair. . ." Louis told them. Although he sounded unsure.

"Ooh. We get to "stall" you're girlfriend? I call going first." Harry smirked. I frowned.

"On second thought, Harry, You stay here. Liam and Louis. You guys just keep her in my room for a little bit." They both nodded and Harry pouted. I ignored him.

"What are we suppose to do to her?" Liam asked.

"You are not to hurt her. In any form got it?" I asked. Louis nodded and Liam said

"I'd never hurt one of your old friends."

"I'm serious. If you hurt her in anyway I'll throw you out into the sun." I growled.

"Calm down mate." Louis said.

"You have nothing to worry about. We promise we wont hurt her." Liam promised. I sighed but nodded.

"Okay, I trust you." I turned to Harry. "I don't trust you." I told him. "So you have to stay here, and leave Jamie alone." He pouted further.

"You're no fun."


Jamies POV

I ran to the address as fast as I could. It was just picture but its important to me. I got there in about five minutes. I calmed myself down before knocking on the door.

" 'ello?" A man in stripes and red skinny jeans held up by suspenders awnswered the door. "Are you here for the picture?"

"Yes. Can I have it please?" I asked.

"Right this way." He said standing aside. Strange. Why wouldn't he just give me the photo to me at the door? I shrugged. Whatever. I stepped inside.

"So wheres the picture?" I asked the striped man. I heard the door slam behind me. Whirling around I saw a boy with barely any hair on his head standing there blocking me from the door. I let out a squeak of fear.

"What the hell?" I asked stepping away from the boy standing in front of the closed door. I backed into the striped man. I let out another squeak and backed away from him and right into the other guy. I didn't know where to go.

"Calm down."The door blocker said in a soothing voice.

"Leave me alone!" I cried. The two men started closing in on me. They raised there hands and grabbed me. I screamed as loud as I could. One of them covered my mouth. I'm not sure which one because I blacked out.


Yay! Chapter 2. Okay, so thank you guys so much for all the positive feed back. It means alot! So freaking much! I love you all! Byes!!!!!!!!! Oh and Btw updates might be slightly slow cuz I have to sneak on the internet again. I was at Vs house so she has internet (If I sneak over to the senior center and ste their wifi) *cough cough* anywhay. Im going to have to sneak onto update. Sorry if it takes awhile. LOVE ME IF I DON'T UPDATE!!!!!! PLZ!!!!!!!

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