Issue #7: Metal Confrontation

Comenzar desde el principio

Everyone is in shock about what Gotuce just said.

Amy: Okay? Now let's get into an airship!

Once an airship is found, everyone is on board except Gotuce who had to check for a few things.

Sonic walks to Whisper.

Sonic: I really appreciate you coming to help. I know crowds aren't really your thing.

Whisper: 'S'okay'.

Sonic: I'll give you some space. Be safe you there, okay?

Whisper: 'You Too'.

Sonic walks away.

Rogue: I share the sentiment. I didn't think you'd be for a big team up.

Shadow: I'm here for my own reasons.

Rogue: Hmm, Of course.

Amy and Blaze are in the center

Blaze: Are you sure that one can be trusted?

Amy: Whisper? Sure! She certainly likes to keep her distance.

Blaze: What about that Gotuce guy?

Amy: O-Oh him. I don't really know but he came to help when me and Sonic were saving a village from badniks and just by the look in his eyes, I could tell he'd do anything to protect innocent people.

Then they hear someone teleport behind them.

Then they hear someone teleport behind them

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Instant Transmission

Gotuce: Alright! I'm back, just had tograb a few senzu beans!

Blaze: May I ask what these "senzu beans" are?

Gotuce: Oh well, they are beans that's heal you from any injury and refill up your stamina.

Then the airship is rocked by an explosion and everyone goes with their teams.

Knuckles: Blaze and Gotuce! I'm going out us down on the west coast! You both have to fly to your destinations from here!

Blaze/Gotuce: Right!/Understood! Don't think about how high we are, focus on the moment.

Blaze off the airship and Gotuce follows with her.

Blaze summons the Sol emeralds and transforms into Burning Blaze.

They both boost off tho their targeted destination.

The others are down on the coast destroying Avery possible badniks.

Once there, Blaze charges a fire attack and blasts it onto the air field.

After she makes sure that the air field is clear, she begins to feel the effects of the Sol emeralds and wont be able to maintain the form for long.

But she sees Gotuce power up into Super Saiyan.


Gotuce: Now then, STARDUST FALL!!!!!!!!

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Gotuce: Now then, STARDUST FALL!!!!!!!!

Gotuce: Now then, STARDUST FALL!!!!!!!!

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Stardust Fall

------------------While this is happening, Sonic and Knuckles are fighting Super Neo Metal Sonic and feel the ki explosion outside

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While this is happening, Sonic and Knuckles are fighting Super Neo Metal Sonic and feel the ki explosion outside.

Neo Metal Sonic feels this and opens a big computer to show Gotuce sending multiple ki waves down on the air field.

Neo Metal Sonic looks very mad.

Neo Metal Sonic: YOU!!!!!!!!

Sonic: What's wrong, Metal? Scared about our new friend?

Neo Metal Sonic: Tch I have seen what your little friend is capable of. And it still doesn't compare to that of my Super form so I'll gladly invite that fight me!

Sonic: Well just you wait!

Knuckles: Let's buy him some time to get here!

Sonic and Knuckles both charge forward.

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