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Grace tapped her foot on the metal flooring of the truck as it sped along the overgrown roads. The world zooming past her peripheral vision in a by now familiar blur.

Walker. Tree. Burnt out car. Walker. Tree. Tree. Tree. Crows pecking a corpse.

She yawned and stretched out her lithe body, glancing across at Negan, his face set in a half smirk as he lazily turned the wheel this way and that way.

"What you smiling at?" She asked while she pulled her curls into a messy bun on top of her head, stray tendrils falling and framing her alabaster skinned jaw.

Negan sighed loudly, contentedly, and grinned,

"New world order baby, and this is my favourite part!"

This was Grace's favourite part too. Watching him take what they needed, what the compound needed, to survive. His flair for the dramatic, his exaggerated act, his ruthlessness, it made her toes curl and butterflies swarm deep inside her stomach.

They were travelling to a small community that had popped up in an abandoned mall about 10 miles from The Sanctuary.

Negan liked to introduce himself in person to all of their new neighbours, a well practiced routine that Grace enjoyed as much as Negan himself did, it always played out the same way,

Turn up, put the fear of fucking God Almighty into them, leave with a grin and a new trade 'deal'. We use deal in the very loosest of terms, of course, more of a 'give me your shit and don't die' agreement. One sided? Obviously. Fair? Absolutely not. But what was fair now? Did the old rules apply? In a dead eat living world, everything was fair game, no room for nostalgia or a giving heart. Adapt or die, the concept is simple.

As they approached the beaten up shit hole of a building, Grace adjusted herself excitedly in her seat,

"Me first today? Pleeeeease!"

She fluttered her long lashes at Negan in a plea for the chance to be the bad guy today. She relished the role, the fear it wrought, the absolute power and feeling of being indestructible, untouchable. She had found no better aphrodisiac and she knew that Negan knew this, her cutesy act was almost irrelevant.

"Not today, this a bigger group and we need to stay on top from the go,"

Negan braced himself as those mesmerising eyes flashed white hot with anger, braced himself against the barrage of expletives coming his way. But they didn't come.

"OK," Grace replied simply and turned to look out the window, running her fingers up and down the handle of Lucille laid on the seat between them.

'Ah, shit,' he groaned inwardly.

Raging Grace was one thing, but 'quietly stewing, angry on the inside but damned if I'm gonna let you know it' Grace was a whole different level of fuck no. He was in for hell.

Blue balls ahoy.

Flawless - Not Really A Love Story (Negan x OC)Where stories live. Discover now