"Like hell it is." I chuckle.

"It is!" He smiles. "We did go on this trip to end the hatred.. the tension."

I shake my head, rubbing my temples. "Ugh, I'm too tired and hungry for this." It's all too much. "Let's deal with it tomorrow."

I might lose my job. It just hit me. I could get kicked out of the group if they find out. I doubt it will happen, but it might. It might become a big problem if they find out about us.

"Hey... wait." I take his arm, stopping him from waking. We are standing in the hallway of the dance studio. It kind of feels off being back here. I wish I were still on vacation.

"Hm?" He asks, stopping completely to look at me.

I clear my throat. "Um—" I stutter. "What are we going to say to them? 'Cause I like.. I know it's going to be brought up. Especially with us walking in together.."

He looks to the door, before turning back to me. "If they do ask anything, we will just tell them that we wanted to get to know each other." He says. "But if nobody mentions anything... we'll just let it be." He says.

I nod. "M'kay.. sounds good."

He gives me a small, supportive smile. I smile back with a very small smile, almost forced. I'm very nervous. I don't want this to blow up in my face, because I know it might.

We start to walk again, to the dance room we always practice in. I take a deep breath, stopping. Minho waits for me. I shake my head before opening the door for us and holding it open.

Minho walks in first, and I walk in after. I freeze, hearing the door close by itself. They are all looking at us. It's like walking into a nightmare, I feel like an outcast.

I take a few steps to Minho, hiding behind him. "Minho.." I whisper.

"Why are you all staring?" He spits, a bit aggressively.

Chan speaks up, looking from me to Minho. "We are just shocked to see you... guys. You guys. Together." He says, looking to Jisung. "And to hear you spent the weekend together?"

"Yeah, what's up with that?" Jisung chimes in.

They all look at us, expecting something. Minho turns around to look at me, giving me a reassuring smile before stepping out of the way. Everyone's eyes are on me now.

I clear my throat. "It was a last minute thing." I shrug.

"Last minute thing?" Felix asks. "You guys just suddenly stopped hating each other, then went on a trip and museum date together, and it was just a last minute thing?"

"It's not like you think." Minho steps in. "We had an argument, and it got really bad and emotional. I sat down to talk with him and we kind of just admitted the whole hatred thing was silly and unprovoked. So... I suggested we spent some time together." He shrugs.

I find it shocking how good he is a lying. They look to me, expecting some kind of disagreement. I nod my head. "He's right. I broke down in tears and asked him why he hated me." I chuckle.


"And the museum date?" Seungmin asks.

It's a bit shocking to hear him ask that. I raise my head, looking at him. There is some look he is giving me, like an interrogating but pleading one. I don't get what it means at all.

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