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I can feel myself growing more nervous by the second. Today is the day I present my routine to the group, for their opinions. I have had about three days to work on it, but it isn't perfect yet.

I have most of the choreography done, I just need to come up with an ending part.

I'm going to be honest, my head hasn't been in the right place. With the roommates I have, I get distracted easily. It's been three days and I already am regretting sharing a bathroom with Minho.

There have been so many times where I've been late all because he took so long getting ready. And it's not like I can get ready with him, because he locks all the damn doors when he goes into the bathroom. It's gotten to the point where I am doing it as well just to prove a point on how annoying it is— Yet he doesn't seem to notice.

I whistle a tune as I make my way to the dance studio. When I enter, almost everybody is there. Seungmin, who's sitting next to Chan, waves at me, so I walk over to him with a smile. I stand by his side as Chan motions everybody to come over to us.

I smile at Felix, but I drop my smile when my eyes go to Minho. He is manspreading on the leather couch, and he looks me up and down. I don't want to eye him, because he might get the wrong idea with the way he is sitting. I turn my attention away before I make a mistake.

"Alright." Chan clears his throat as everybody gathers. "I'm sure we all know why we are here, so I am not going to explain." he looks to me. "Are you ready?"

I nod my head, and drop my bag. Seungmin gives me a supportive smile as I do so. I smile back, and turn away. Chan follows me, but heads over to the computer as I head to the middle of the room.

I'm very nervous. I knew this was coming today. I knew I was going to have to dance, however, I wasn't exactly so prepared. I don't even have the full dance finished.

"Loosen up." Chan says, "Don't be nervous. We are only here to give you our opinions, you don't even have to listen to them if you don't want too." He turns back to me. "Alright, you ready?"

"Yeah." I nod my head, dropping my arm that I was stretching out. "You can play it." I say, and look away from him.

The music starts, and I get this wave of something. I don't know what it is, but I ignore it. I look at everyone as they watch me. When the beat of Play with Fire starts, I wrap my hand around my neck.

As the song goes on, I continue to follow the routine I created. It's almost like muscle memory at this point. I make sure to keep my facial expressions on point, as well as just keeping the dance intriguing.

I drop to the floor, a smile spreading on my face. I can hear some of the members let out noises, as well as claps. As the song plays, I feel myself getting more caught up in the moment.

I love dancing. I love moving my body in a way that is attractive, I love the reactions I get when I impress, I love the routine, I love to dance. I know I was made for this, and I know this is what I'm meant to do.

By the time the routine I made is done, I am sweating. I stand up while the song is still playing, and that causes Chan to tilt his head. He pauses the music.

"That's all I have right now." I say, panting a bit. "I need to create a good ending, but I have everything else figured out. So yeah.."

"That was fucking awesome." I hear Jisung say, and when I turn my head to him he starts clapping. That causes the others, other than one, to start clapping. I chuckle with a smile.

"Was it really?" I ask, wiping the sweat off of my forehead.

"Yeah!" Changbin says. "You're a good dancer Hyunjin." He smiles. His smile makes me feel better, because it seems to genuine. I was so nervous nobody would like it, so I'm glad he did.

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