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Eat, sleep, dance.

Then repeat,

Eat, sleep, dance.

That's how the last couple of days have been going. I feel like a robot in the day, and an overworked man in the night. I have been focusing so hard on this dance, focusing on making it perfect, to the point where I might lose myself if I hear the song one more time.

Yet, I listen as it plays. I spin my body around in a circle, and freeze. I stand still, deeply breathing. I start to take a few steps away. Until I feel myself getting harshly grabbed, and I'm suddenly pulled into another's body.

His eyes meet mine, and I feel his hot breath. Our bodies are almost touching, but he looks at me with nothing in his eyes. There is not a single emotion. If there even was, it would be hatred.

He stares at me, and I stare at him. My breath hitches, and his grip on my shirt tightens. His eyes soften. The look of hatred is gone, and it's replaced with something else. His eyes move down on my face, to my lips.

"Alright!" Chan says happily, clapping his hands together.

He pulls away. Minho yanks himself away from me, separating us almost immediately. I feel my breath coming back, and I bend down to grab my knees as I pant. God.

"That's perfect, oh my god it's perfect." Chan speaks eagerly, his excitement very clearly shining through his words. "It was the best choice I ever made to put you guys together."

"Really?" I chuckle.

But no, not really.

Our dance has been perfect. Our performance is perfect, and everybody is amazed. But behind closed doors, when it's just us in the studio, it's the complete opposite from perfect.

We almost got in a fist fight the other day. I missed a cue, and he snapped. I understand being under pressure from everything, I understand not liking me— but you never snap at me. Never put your hands on me, Lee Minho.

Even he knew it. He left immediately, not another word. He didn't speak to me at all the next day. I guess that's his way of apologizing. Lame excuse.

"Hey," I hear Felix's voice. His hand falls on my back. "You okay? You need water?" He asks softly, his hand caressing my back in the most gentle way it could.

I slow my panting, shaking my head. I take a deep breath, standing up. "No, I'm okay." I say, putting a hand on his shoulder.

He looks at me. I can see in his eyes that he doesn't believe me. "I'm not sure.. I'm going to get you water. Is that it though? You seem—"

"I'm okay, Felix. I just danced for hours straight, I'm just a little tired. Okay?" I say softly. "And water would actually be great, so thank you." I smile.

He doesn't seem convinced, but he nods. "Okay." He says. "I'll be right back.."

I smile, and he does too. He starts to walk away to the mini-fridge. I take a deep breath, and turn around. I don't know what to feel. I don't know what I feel.


The voice startles me. I turn around to meet Seungmin. My eyes look over him, and his matching set of sweats. My eyes also go to Chan, who is smiling like a geek as he works on something on his tablet.


My eyes go back to Seungmin, who is standing in front of me a bit shyly. I raise my brows, and smile at him. "Seungmin." I say. "How are you?"

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