38. Garage Battle

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A sharp pain hit Jason in the chest as Danny landed a hit, retaliating with one of his own he shifted his weight into a kick. Thudding powerfully into her arms he knew she could handle it as beads of sweat slid down both their faces. 

Pulling her into a chokehold he could feel her heartbeat through his arms. Using his height as leverage against her Danny didn't let it stop her as she leaned forward at an angle. Flipping his body onto the mat Jason rolled out of the way of getting stomped.

Nothing was said the entire 20 minutes the two had been sparring, just determination in their glares and sureness in their footsteps. Nothing needed to to be honest, an eyebrow sassily raised or a quirk of the lips was enough in their eyes.

Danny had never felt so exhilarated as the fight was nearing its end, had never sparred with a partner who was so focused and just plain talented.

But she made a single mistake, wrapping her legs around Jason's she twisted her hips thinking the game was won, not expecting the unnaturally lightning-fast strike to her ribs. Gasping for a breath he flipped the positions, sitting on her torso with her arms pinned beneath his hands.

"Say it," Jason huffed with each breath that made its way to his lungs, "say it."

Danny looked up into his intense eyes, lips parted for a suspended second.

"Jason won and is better at sparring than I am," she grudgingly muttered, rolling her eyes.

Snickering, he tilted his head, "And?"

Under his heavy body she was forced to comply, "And is perfect in every shape, way, or form possible to the human race."

"Aaaand?" Giggling under him as his fingers tickled her she wasn't able to move, knowing Jason was being a little gremlin on purpose.

"AND HE HAS THE BODY OF A GOD WHILE I AM AN UNWORTHY MORTAL WHO HAS NO RIGHT TO GAZE UPON HIS FACE!" Danny yelled wriggling under his grip, tears coming to her eyes as he tickled her more, "Now let me go!"

Finally giving her a chance to breathe, Jason let go with a smirk, "There, that wasn't so hard now, was it?"

Danny rolled onto her side, curling into the fetal position as she caught her breath, "Ugh I hate you."

"No you don't, you love me," he chuckled, wiping the sweat off his face.

Wiping sweat from her own forehead Danny could only roll her eyes, "Oh yes, I love you more than oxygen itself, which you so rudely cut off two seconds ago."

"It's not my fault you're ticklish," Jason laughed.

"I would've kicked your butt if I wasn't," she stuck her tongue out.

He shrugged, "Potato, potato."

"That's not how the saying goes," she chucked a towel at him.

Catching it before it could hit his face he looked down at her grinning, "Nice try."

"Worth a shot," Danny shrugged, "now let's get showers before we eat breakfa-"

"Race you!" Jason started before she was ready. Racing out ahead of her early was becoming a trend she shook her head with a laugh.

"Oh, you are so on!"

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