Movie Night

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“So, what are we going to do tonight?” Allison asked excitedly.

Tonight was the first night in weeks that our parents had left us alone. The mysterious mountain lion hadn’t attacked either of us for a while so we deemed it necessary that they go out and have a night to themselves. More a precaution then anything else, I was spending the night at Allison’s house. Not that we minded. We were planning a girls’ night.

“I’m hungry.” I mumbled, hearing my stomach growl.

“You’re always hungry.” Allison snorted. She trotted into the kitchen and peered into the cabinet, pushing things aside until she found what she was looking for. She turned around swiftly, and blue box of macaroni and cheese sitting deliciously in her palm.

“Yes,” I immediately replied, my mouth watering. She laughed, putting on a pot of water.

“Besides stuffing our faces with food, what are we going to do?” Allison asked, her voice slightly muffled as she went about gathering ingredients.

“Movie?” I suggested.

Allison nodded, “Something romantic and heart wrenching.”

“It’s like you read my mind.” I grinned. It faded slightly as my mind wandered to the forbidden topic of Derek. It had been weeks since I’d seen him last. My dad had been furious that the hospital had me working the empty Long-Term portion of the hospital without any security and now I was stuck filing paper work in Nurse McCall’s nice secure office space.

“How about you run out to the video store, grab us some extra buttery popcorn, Dr. Pepper, Twizzlers, and the sappy movie of your choice while I make dinner?” Allison asked, glancing in the pot of water that hadn’t started boiling yet.

I nodded, grabbing my keys off the green tiled counter. “Be back in ten.” I shouted as I hurried out the door.

My iPod played some soft indie band as I drove toward my destination. Within minutes I had arrived and that’s when I started to feel a bit sick. It hadn’t been the first time. I had been getting dizzy spells and nauseous for the past two weeks. It was just from the stress of moving and the impending attack of that mountain lion, along with the flu that was going around.

I pushed open my car door, taking a deep breath of the clean Beacon Hill’s air, instantly feeling better. The sound of slamming my door shut sounded like a bullet shooting through the night. Embarrassingly, I let out a tiny scream. I was constantly on edge after my near death experiences. I hoped that the police would catch whatever was terrorizing the town (mountain lion or mutant wolf beast) soon because I was slowly losing my sanity.

“Cass?” I heard a familiar voice call as well as another car door shut. I glanced behind me to see none other than the captain of the lacrosse team, Jackson Whittemore.

“Hey, Jackson,” I greeted, smiling slightly. Honestly, I was happy to have some company in the quiet, seemingly empty video store.

He held up the metal door for me. I heard the faint tingle of the welcome bell as I slid through, quietly thanking him. There was a slight smell of something rotting in the air but I decided against pointing it out to Jackson. It was probably just the garbage sitting in the store too long.

“So, all alone on a Saturday night?” Jackson asked, pretending to be interested in the sci-fi movies we passed by.

“No,” I shook my head, “Girls’ night with Alli. What about you? Movie date with Lydia?”

Jackson rolled his eyes, grumbling, “Yes,”

I felt a small smile tug at my lips, though I was careful not to let it show. “What movie is she making you watch this time?”

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