The journey

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Holly was exhilarated for she was going to Hogwarts today! She had been waiting all week for this day to come. Every time she felt nervous, she looked at the photo of her mom and it made her fine again. She checked through her stuff to make sure she didn't miss anything important in her suitcase. She put her teddy in her satchel, she was a little bit embarrassed to have a teddy bear at 11 but she loved it and has had it her whole life. And she wanted to put it in at the last moment. She had to leave early because she lived quite far away from the train station but she didn't mind.

Almost late for the bus, she tried to run out of the front door but her luggage made it impossible because it was so heavy. She slowed down and just decided to walk. She kept walking for a bit until she reached the nearest bus stop. The bus was not coming for a while but it would be enough time to get on the train. Patiently she waited until the bus approached the bus station.

The bus door creaked open and she dragged her suitcase into the red bus. She found an empty seat next to a window and sat down. The bus door shut and then it hit her she wasn't going home for months. She got nervous. What if she forgot something? Her phone. Or her teddy? after a while, she started to relax. She looked out the window for the majority of the ride and got lost staring at wildlife.

After what felt like hours, she was at the train station. In a rush, she pushed through the crowd of people trying to get off the diminutive bus.

"Thank you," she politely started stepping off the bus.

After she got off the bus, she looked around and realised she was lost in the middle of nowhere no one she knew. Panicking, she looked to see if anyone could have been going to Hogwarts. Unfortunately, there was no one in sight so she had to do it herself. She decided to go down an open path that looked rather busy compared to other roads. It was loud. As she gently pushed through the huddle of people she saw the young boy again with the same tall man. She decided maybe go and say hi and it could be her first friend at Hogwarts! Twisting and turning round the populated streets, she caught up. She tried to say hi but she was too quiet so she gave up and just looked for the train instead.

She searched for it but it was impossible to find platform 9/3. Then she looked at the letter to maybe find some instructions to where it was, she couldn't have been the only one with this trouble. Hopefully, she looked in on the paper, and it said to go through the wall with a little poster on it. Holly was very confused that's impossible, no one could ever do that. But she had to try. Embarrassed, she blushed, finally, she found the pillar with a little black poster on it.

She Stepped back to get a run-up. Running towards the wall, she stumbled. The cart rattled and then the pillar sucked her in. All she could see were specs of neon green and blue covering her face. she could feel her body moving, and as she tried to stop she realised she couldn't. She couldn't control herself she was being controlled! Panicking, she tried to calm herself down by telling her this was meant to happen but it wasn't...

Faint, she woke up and fluttered her eyes the room was dark and cold she shivered. Weak, she struggled to get up where was it, this wasn't a train. When she finally got up she hobbled round the room looking for anything that might take her there maybe she missed something in the letter. She reached for it in her pocket but then it wasn't there! After she had a mini heart attack, she paced the room to find it but there was nothing to see so she just sat there in the dark helplessly.

Then, a strange tall figure came in with a torch and said something muffled to the girl next to him with frizzy hair and a pearl black dress with little stones on.

"Hello Holly" he boomed in a horrific voice that made her feel nauseous it was more clear what he looked like now dusty, dirty, grey and patchy skin covered his cold expression swarming across his face.

As Holly sat there not saying a word in fear she stared at him a examined how he looked. She thought it was creepy and he was a monster. but she couldn't do anything, she didn't know any magic!

"Look I'm going to try to kill that stupid friend of yours, you better not protect him or else you will be gone to and be targeted by us NOW SCATTER!!" He laughed after finishing his sentence then whispered "This will be easy" and walked off.

Then she felt it again and was finally at the right place. She looked around there were plenty of children waiting still, which hopefully meant that she wasn't late to go to Hogwarts.

*HONK*HONK. The train arrived bed it was an old steam train red and the majority black. Exited, she ran up to the train and peered into the tinted black window, like the other ecstatic kids,  shining in the blazing hot sun.

The old doors opened and she quickly pushed through the doors trying to be near the front of the pushing. Trying to find a carriage, she walked up and down the hall over and over until she saw the little short boy's carriage from earlier he was sitting with two others a girl and a boy they were sat opposite him and were tall and one had bright red hair and freckles he was talking to him while the girl was just listening she had pine brown curly, long, shiny hair tied up into a plait

Shyly, she opened the door slowly and they looked at her she went and sat down at the end of the row so she didn't irritate them.

"Hello come sit with us!" the boy greeted her smiling "And I'm Harry Potter by the was nice to meet you"

"Nice to meet you too I'm Holly Hedwig" she answered back and sat next to him.

The others introduced themself over the long train ride talking about how excited they were. then the trolley came around and they had lots of chocolates and sweets. She decided to get her first chocolate frog it was a different taste from what she ever felt before it was crunchy but soft at the same time. Slowly she opened the little envelope and saw Albus Dulmeldore he was smiling and she was fascinated to see the headmaster for the first time then she waved and scurried off the photo.

The views were stunning, the clear river was slowly flowing through the bulky, thundering mountains behind the old fragile scenic forest full of life. squirrels swung from, branch to branch their cheeks full of food.

"First year time to go! leave your stuff we will take care of that and line up!"Hagrid called across the train as all the kids ran to be at the front.

Children one by one carefully stepped out of the train and followed the lantern glinting in the moonlight. They approached the docks and got into old wooden boats and sailed through the crystal clear water reflecting the silver full moon across the lake.

After what felt like years of waiting they finally approached the muddy ground covering her shoes as they approached the  colossal ,magnificent building that looked like a castle. Everyone gasped at the sight no one had ever seen anything like this in their lives!

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 02, 2023 ⏰

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