
Start from the beginning

— Yeah? Well, when I grow up, I'll just try to avoid it-- hate politics--

Anne got up, leaving somewhere.

— Yeah. The monsters fights are pretty cool, though.

— The what now?


Now you and the whole Wartwood were standing near some cave and there were two candidates: Hop Pop and Toadstool, who were... in swimsuits. Yeah.

— You've made a powerful enemy today, Hopediah. Toads have run uncontested for decades. This is a disgrace.

— The only disgrace in you as mayor.

— Oh, I like this Hopediah.

— I don't know. Toadstool is tried and true.

— Ahem! Welcome to the official mayoral trials, where the candidates try to win your vote.

— I'm suddenly very interested in politics, — Anne began to blow the horn, right into Sprig's ear.

— Okay, Anne. That's enough.

— Our first trial is all about strength. The first candidate to mount the beetle wins! — Albus whistled his horn, ran away from the cave, and out came what looked like a rhinoceros beetle, — Ready, set, go!

You ALL had to run away to avoid getting killed. You hid behind rocks while two candidates tried to deal with this bug. And they were not lucky, the beetle just scattered them on different sides. Hop Pop fell right to the stump. He threw a stone at the beetle.

— Hey! Come and get it! — do you need to explain that Hop Pop trying to get the bug's attention by slapping his butt is weird? But it worked. The bug ran at him, but Hop Pop managed to jump onto the stump, and the bug's horn got stuck in this very stump. It was clear that Hopediah had won.


Now you were at the edge, next to the bird's nest.

— The second trial is about sensitivity. Can you figure out what these hatchlings need? A good mayor would.

— I know what these dumb birds need. Money.

— Wait, what? — you knew Toadstool wasn't the smartest, of course, but to be THIS dumb... no wonder those chicks pecked at him. Meanwhile, Hop Pop got the worms out from under the log... chewed them in his mouth... and let the chicks eat... out of his mouth... oh god...

— That's how he fed us when we were babies, — YES, SPRIG, THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THE DETAILS. Then a mother bird came to the nest and you all had to run away. Again.


On the third trial, you were in the forest.

— Being a mayor is a lot like being dropped in the woods naked and forced to find your way home. So that's what we did!

From the forest, in the end, Hop Pop came out first, accompanied by beetles. Even Jeremy was there.

— Thanks for showing me the way, Jeremy. Save travels, brother.

Once again, it was obvious that Hop Pop was a better fit for the role of mayor. And you all went home without waiting for Toadstool. He will handle himself.


You were at the Plantars' house, sitting in the kitchen.

— Excited for the final trial tomorrow, Hop Pop?

— Not really. I know I've been doing well, but if I mess up tomorrow, it could cost us the election.

Suddenly someone knocked on the door. You all went out to see who it was, and there was Toadie in the black cloak.

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