"Thank you," he nods, walking side by side towards the entrance. "So, Ms. Ferrari, should I present you my pitch in my office or yours?" He asks, opening the door for me.

He seems to be quite a gentleman, and that's what got me betrayed in the first place.

"My office, I actually have some important matters to attend right now, so why don't you stop by around 2 p.m.?" I ask, handing him my business card.

"Very well, then I will see you at 2 Ms. Ferrari." He smiles, a single dimple appearing right in the corner of his mouth. It sure isn't like Clarke's or my kids, but it seems to suit him well.

"Goodbye," I say, making my way towards my car.

"What a man," I say as I drive away.


"Ignacia, I won't discuss this anymore; when I have my kids, they go to their house," I say, opening the door for her. "What's so special about them, Clarke, that you had to go out and buy them a fucking house?" She yells, and I look at her, annoyed.

"Just like Kirill, they will have a house of their own; you don't have a say in this." She shakes her head in anger. "You are insufferable," I chuckle, closing the door right as she steps out.

This woman can't seem to understand that I have now got three kids-not only one, but three.


Diana walks into the warehouse. Gun behind her waist.

"Are the shipments put away?" She asks one of her men, and nodding, he hands her the clipboard with confirmation.

"Thank you, Peter," she moves along, examining the shipments. The guns are all put over foam, and rags are being used to clean them all.

"I've got my men. In Spain, they are going to bring in the bombs in three days," Clarke says. Alecs notices his daughter walking in closer.

"I see you've brought in the ones from Russia," Diana says, impressed as she looks at Clarke. "I give better than what I get paid, Diana," he says. Alec pats his shoulder and dismisses himself.

"Your girls are in the combat room; go check them out once you're done here," Alec tells Diana.

She signals for Clarke to follow her. "I was thinking a bit about the babies schedule and a few days you could have them," she says, opening the door that leads to the stairway.

"If you're up to it, you could take them for three days of the week. Fridays, Saturdays, and Sundays," she says, walking up the steps with him following her.

"This week, maybe only take them on Friday, just so they can get comfortable and so you can get the hang of having two babies," she says, opening the door to the second level.

"That sounds great! Around what time should I pick them up?" He asks, and Diana nods at the guards. "'Around 10 a.m.," she says, and Clarke follows behind her.

"Call me if something comes up or if anything happens to the kids," Clarks nods his head reassuringly. "I have a meeting to attend, so I'll call you when I'm on my way," Clarke says as Diana nods her head.


I hope my kids get used to their father quickly and don't cry at all.

"Alright girls, let's see where you stand." I clap my hands together as I enter the combat room.

These girls were handpicked by me. They are known as my girls, and they have been trained by me for nearly a year now.

They are recruited straight out of college, some from high school. Their parents are notorious gangsters, and some are even ex-members of some of the most well-known mafias.

Some also happen to be children of our guards, meaning we have a larger female population than male. I decided to recruit more women than men, since we need more women to rule out underground combat rings.

"Adeline, no left hook; use your right just like I told you, hun!" I orderly examine each of my girls postures. These fights go on for hours, as they are all equally trained, and some have come up with their own ways of diminishing their opponents.

"Good, now girls, don't draw out too much blood; we need you," I warn as they all smile and run to their bags for water.

"Take an hour's break; we'll keep training tomorrow," I tell them, leaving the room.

Once I take my throne, I won't be so soft toward my enemies; I'll give them hell personally.

Once I take my throne, I won't be so soft toward my enemies; I'll give them hell personally

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