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I walk into the room, already feeling uneasy due to the number of men in this tiny room.

Laine has dragged me into this meeting because she says 'it's going to help show the dirtbags that underestimate me' that I actually care about getting more allies.

The truth is, I don't actually need these men to form contracts with me.

I'm doing fine with my underground friends. They don't criticize or belittle me just because they have dicks and I don't.

It's become clear that I'm the only real man in this room.

I scan the room, preferring much more the comfort of my own office.

"Diana, I'm glad to see you have finally decided to join us," William says with a small smile. I hate that ugly, fat, bald piece of sh*t.

"Well, don't keep me from your well-planned presentation," I say, sitting down beside a well-lean tall man. I have not seen this man in any other past meetings.

His eyes scan me for a moment as I place my computer on the table.

10 minutes into this meeting, I'm contemplating whether I should use my pen to stab my eyes out or simply use the new napkins on the table to stuff them so far down Williams throat.

God, help me now!

"I'm guessing I'm not the only one who wants to kill themselves right now?" A low, deep male voice comes from behind me. I can't help but fill up with excitement as I lean back and turn my attention to the new fellow.

"I was not necessarily thinking of killing myself, but William included as well," I confess as I watch the handsome man behind me smirk with amusement in his eyes.

"I would surely enjoy handing you my pitch, so we can both get the hell out of here," he whispers, his large form leaning in closer to me.

This man screams, 'I will make you see heaven itself with my dick.' I look back at William and then back at the unknown man.

"Very well," I say, standing up, I make my way to the door, the man following closely behind me.

"Uh, Diana, this meeting has not been dismissed." Williams loud, annoying voice stops us from continuing.

Turning around, I smile at William, "I've already found myself a new contract, so while I move along, you could continue your meeting." I leave no room for discussions as I walk out of the room, and the man behind me follows.

"Your office or mine?" He asks as we wait for the elevator.

'First, we need a formal introduction," I say, turning to look at him. "Rico Hernandez," he says, extending a large tattooed hand.

"Diana Ferrari," I say, shaking his hand firmly. "Your Spanish?" I ask, curiosity getting the best of me. "Yes, I'm from Barcelona," he confirms, a slight accent now peaking through as I nod my head.

The elevator arrives. We both step in, pressing the lobby button, and stand side by side. "I'm guessing by your last name you're Italian?" He asks, and I nod my head with a small grin.

"Kinda obvious, no?" I ask, "Sort of; you've got a beautiful smile, by the way." I look up at him, smiling stupidly at his compliment.

I don't like smiling at men, but he's got a different aura, one of safety and trust. It's odd.

I don't trust easily, not after what happened with Clarke. I'm a mother now, and I can't afford to mess with different men.

"Thank you; is it your way of flirting?" I ask, looking up at him, "No, it's simply my way of complimenting a beautiful woman." He admits, extending an arm to stop the elevator door from closing and letting me step out.

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