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"Good morning, my little bugs!" I squeal as my babies stand, holding onto their cribs.

They are so freaking cute.

I grab Bella first, then Elio.

"Listen, kiddos, you're going to meet your daddy today!" I tell them.

Putting them down, I hold their hands.

They can walk now, which is something I was so afraid of because I don't want them to get hurt.

I change them and head down to the living room.

Just as we make it to the last step, the doorbell rings.

I walked straight towards the door, put the babies down so they could walk, and opened the door.

Clarke stands before me, wearing a white t-shirt with black jeans.

He looks at me and then down.

The babies stand beside me, staring at the stranger before them.

"They are big!" He says kneeling down to get to their level

"Yep, that's how time works; you grow, and it passes fast," I tell him, opening the door wider.

"Come in," I tell him, holding the babies a bit back to give him room to enter.

He stands up and walks in. His eyes examine the interior of my house.

"You've got an amazing home, Diana," he tells me, turning to look at me with amusement.

"Thank you; do you want anything, coffee?" I ask, closing the door behind him.

The babies follow slowly behind me, glancing at Clarke once in a while.

"Mama" Bella squeals as I start up the coffee machine.

"They sure love to follow you," he says, smiling at the little ones.

"Yeah, they are my little ducklings, aren't you?" I kneel down and give them kisses.

Elio grips my hand and signals for me to pick him up.

Hosting him up I set him on the counter.

Bella heads closer to Clarke, examining him further.

"Hey baby," he pulls his hand out to touch Bella.

She smiles at him and leans against his legs.

Clarke picks her up, smiling at her.

She trusts too easily. She got that bad quality from me. "She's got your beautiful auburn hair," he smiles, looking up at me.

"Yea, when she was first born, her hair was much darker," I reveal, holding Elio closer.

"I can't even imagine how hard it must've been for you with two babies," he says, walking closer and putting Bella beside Elio.

"I really am sorry, Diana, I--" I hold my hand up and stop him from saying more.

"I don't want to hear it, Clarke; I don't forgive easily, you know that." I start.

"So your sorry isn't going to cut it," I say, turning to face him.

"You have to show our kids exactly how sorry you are. What you did has already been done. Maybe in the future I'll forgive you, but not forget," I tell him, looking back at Elio, who's now holding Bella's hand.

"I get it," he says, looking at Elio.

"Could you hold them, please? I'm going to go retrieve something," I ask. He nods his head and stands in between the babies.

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