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Sherbert,Centross,Dream and Wilbur went on a walk in a forest behind the mansion to getter up some supply's.

Dreams POV

We walked for 20 minutes until we found a cave. Me and Centross went mining and Sherbert and Wilbur started collecting wood. When we got everything we started walking back to the mansion until we heard running from awer left. We got awer weapons out and got ready to fight. It got closer and closer than Phoenix appeared.
"Phoenix? "
"Oh hey!"
"What are you doing here? "
"Umm there's a lime green portal close by"

Then he ran off on all fours. We were intrigued so we followed him and arrived at a lime green portal after 5 minutes of running. We stared at it until Phoenix suddenly spoke.
"Can we go through it? "

No one answered because we didn't know but then suddenly he touched the portal burning his hand. He screamed obviously in pain.
"Nope can't go through!"

Phoenix's POV

The burn felt like hell's fire. I backed away from the portal so I wouldn't accidentally touch it again. I looked back at the portal just to see 4 people walk through the portal.
"Wolf?!" Centross and Sherbert said
"Who are they?!"
They all looked at the other 3. I looked at them and my jaw dropped.
"Kamau, Karma and Karhon. What are you guys doing here?!"

They looked at me then Kamau and Karhon looked at Karma. Karhon then suddenly spoke.
"Go on tell him Karma"

Karma sighed "Soooooo i may have been the to banish you here for 2 million years for a prank...haha funny right?" They smiled nervously. 'They did that. For fun?'
My eyes went red. "Why would you do that to us? Especially for fun?"

If you like want to know what happens next you have to wait anyway love you all bye.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 01, 2023 ⏰

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