what happened?

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October 16 year Unown...

The war has been at a hold. Our beloved God has been husked. Well that's what I heard from the villagers. But I don't believe that Rhythm the god of Music rhythms and Melodies died from a house fire. How did the fire start?
[ the rest is burned]
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"That's all it says and the rest is burned" he said while looking up to his boyfriend that had worried look on his face."Oh..... that's so not worrying. Not at all" he said playfully rolling his eyes and then kissing his boyfriend on the head." Don't overwork yourself on this okay?" His boyfriend let out a chuckle before saying " I won't I promise." They both smile and look in each other's eyes."Good " " I love you Ghosty" " I love you too Rae" they started walking home but suddenly Rae stopped walking. Ghosty to turn around look at his boyfriend that seems to be looking at something through the trees." What are you looking at?" Rae started walking to the thing that he was looking at and Ghosty the following him. What they saw was Green lime green? Lime green actually. Rae was going to say something but then two screams was heard and then they were gone so what the green object? creature? don't know.
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" XD I told you to leave me alone!" He said I see pushed XD away from him. " why?" Crosses arms while waiting for an answer. " because I have god stuff to do obviously!" He said waving his arms in the air a sigh left XD's mouth. " come on HD! You're always doing God stuff!" He was right actually is always doing work or so called God stuff. " sorry XD maybe next time?" XD sighed and mumbles " yeah sure.." before walking away. HD lets out a sigh of regret and guilt before starting to work. 10 minutes passed by and everything was quiet. HD just finished work and he destroyed the abandoned buildings and destroy a dead Forest. He got up and started slowly walking to the bedroom he shared with XD. He got in the hall and then he hurt a scream from the bedroom. He ran in the room and saw XD being sucked in a lime green portal? "XD!" He ran to him but not fast enough XD was gone and then it was his turn. More screams left the room until silence fell upon the house. Both gods were gone. The house was empty.
* * *
Branches could be heard cracking running and heavy breathing was also heard. " we have to find them Ocie!" The man said while gasping for air. " I know Aax! But we need a break!" They have been running for a couple of minutes. "No! Rae and Caspian could be in danger!" Aax said with a desperate Stone his voice. "Rae and Ghosty are probably fine Aax" 2 seconds later they hear screams coming from their left. Aax runs as fast as he could to the area where the dreams came from Define nothing except Rae's memory book and field notes on the ground. Ocie slowly arrived to the area and she instantly got worried. "Rae never leaves his books laying around" he then breath in a shaky breath. " I know... this is bad very very bad!" The area got cold and a lime green light shine besides them and then a force started pulling them towards the bright lime green light. They both try to run away from it but the force was too strong. They couldn't escape it's grasp. " are we going to die?!" Those were the last words heard from them before they were pulled in the lime green portal. " I think this is it. Aax I'm sorry we didn't find Rae and Ghosty" she thought before opening her eyes and letting shock fill her body.
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"No no no no no" he had a worried yet scared tone in his words. You can hear his footsteps go back and forth and a pen scratch against the pages of his book. No one was home except for Ranboo.
● ● ●
green portal is dangerous?

Got taken

Who's next?
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Hero in his book while he catches his breath. "Who's next?" Is the question he seems to ask often in this time he lets out the shaky sigh and stops walking. " how could I help people?" Lime green light shines on his face and then he was gone. He got the answer to his question tho.
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" black void that's all I see no green grass no blue Sky no clouds just a big endless black void." She said it really send a big sigh at the end. " I'm the goddess of the mind I deserve more than this right?" Footsteps were heard from behind her and then a sigh. " yes my goddess you deserve better than being stuck here in the end" a chuckle left the goddesses mouth " other people with disagree with you Centross" she tried to look at the man who was standing behind her. " that's true Enderian" he said smiling they talked for 10 minutes and then Centross had to go home to finish building it. He left the temple and went home but he didn't get home. Enderian was looking outside for a while but then decided to go on a walk on her smallish end Island. " something doesn't feel right" and then you guessed it the last thing that was heard from Enderian was screams of surprise and then she was gone. I don't know how someone could be surprised at this point.
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" Wilbur leave me alone you ass!" Wilbur has been following him and annoying him for the last 2 hours. "Why?" He said in a playful tone " because you're so fucking annoying!" Wilbur chuckled at how mad he is "Awww is little Quackity mad?" He teased earning a gasp from Quackity and then you could hear some angry Spanish from Quackity laughter from Tommy that just arrived. "Oh shut up Tommy" he said with an annoyed tone. "Fuck off Wilbur!" Then they both started arguing while Quackity was watching knowing that Wilbur would win the argument. After 3 minutes the argument was interrupted by Quackity screaming. "Quackity? " they looked at where the man used to be just to see him gone. Then Wilbur here's Tommy scream he looked over at Tommy to see him gone as well. "What the fuck is going on?!" He looked around himself to see if anyone was around but then he saw the lime green portal and then he was gone.
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"1k that's how many books I read" he sighs " none of those talk about me but 27 of them talk about Enderian " he then throw his book across the room making a pile of books fall down. " I should have hundreds of books about me but no it's all about Enderian and Lennarius and Netherum" he said with rage fuming out of his ears. That rage didn't last long because he was sucked in a lime green portal so Fable is now gone.
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"George run!" "No Dream!" George yelled back at Dream the man that was being sucked in a lime green portal. George tried everything he could to help Dream but ended up being sucked in with him.
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Branches could be heard cracking and someone crying. "Fuck it's breaking!" The man started breathing heavily. "Netherum are we gonna die?" Netherum looked at the woman "No! No we are gonna be fine " as soon as he finished saying that the branch is broke and then they were gone.
* * *
" I was just getting lava how did I get in this mess?!" He was holding onto a leg of a cliff above the one and only lime green portal. "Fuck fuck fuck fuck!" His grip slipped and then he fell into a portal and gone.'Sapnap why didn't you hold on tighter ' he thought to himself.
* * *
" don't let go!" You guessed it he and someone else is holding onto a fence so they don't get sucked in the portal. " I can't hold on any longer!" She screamed before being sucked in the portal "Momboo!" More screams were heard he looked over at where it came from and he saw Athena and Jamie going through the portal. "No!" That's the last thing he said before he lost his grip and went through the portal.
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" blood blood Tobuscus murder" " wow that's interesting" said with a sarcastic tone " you asked me what the voices are saying so don't be like that Phil!" " like what? Hm?" Phil crossed his arms and smiled " that" Phil rolled his eyes " that isn't an answer Techno" Techno was looking for something in the chest "mhm whatever " he closed the chest and looked around. "Phil?" Phil is obviously gone he started walking around trying to find Phil but instead me to take the famous labgreen portal and then he was gone just like all the others.
* * *
" Mommy don't know daddy's getting hot " he sang and hummed the rest he was looking into a big blue sky. He breathed in the fresh air but then stopped breathing when he saw 26 people falling out of the sky. "What the fuck!?" He quickly put on his dog skull mask and the black face mask that covers the other half of his face. His hair turned white and he grows two pairs of wings. Is outfit changes to a white suit and on his wings there's golden chains on them with crystals hanging from the chains. He then flies over to the flower field where all the 26 people fell in. "Please don't let there be anyone dead "

I hope you all like this story so far i might post again today but i definitely will tomorrow unless I forget to again.

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