oo. give me your forever

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𝗺𝗶𝗱𝗻𝗶𝗴𝗵𝘁 𝗿𝗮𝗶𝗻. 𝗌𝖾𝗈 𝗒𝘶𝗅

That's what Yeongran thought when she overheard a young man confessing to a beautiful lady. It wasn't directed to any of them but to her, to her old self.

She thought she was pathetic, pathetic for love and attention. Growing up with less affection and attention was something that Yeongran missed, not even kindness or so called love.

It was as if she was brought in to the world just to be used by humans around her, use her power for themselves and leave her when they're done. She basically spent her whole childhood with cold surroundings and her parents? more like strangers.

The day she was ordained as the young priestess, one of the greatest protector at the age of 3 was the day she lost all the small space for her parents. She barely seen people happily smiling at her or even a small smile. She was just shut down in a big mansion with many mage teachers and isolated.

And Seo Yul, the man who is as noble as an autumn sunset was the one who taught her love and also how poisonous love can be. Maybe Yeongran was innocent and felt that the small actions of kindness, affirmation and gentleness was a sign of love blossoming inside her. She was naive.

She grabbed the small details of Seo Yul and followed him like she was his little pet, even though the boy would ignore her and sometimes ask Jang Uk to get rid off her. She went a whole damn mission just to be able to get out of her mansion and get in touch with Seo Yul.

Jang Uk nudge his friend and handed a small candy but Yeongran simply declined his offer "Now that you're gonna be staying here, help me catch the relics or help Buyeon in choosing wife for the Crown Prince or help teaching with Seo Yul"

Yeongran raised her brows and chuckle "I might change my decision and go back to Gusu"

Jang Uk immediately stopped and held Yeongran's hand then put up his best puppy eye "I was just kidding, enjoy your free time as much as you want Miss Shin Yeongran"

Yeongran quickly retracted her hand and walked away as if she was avoiding a plague. Jang Uk caught up with her and soon they were at the orange orchard side of the country where some of the workers greeted the two with a smile on their face and left them for privacy.

The oranges were ready to be plucked and Yeongran wished that she was a painter so that she could paint on a canvas what was right in front of her. The big trees with green leaves and the bright oranges hanging from the branches with the clear sky and clean breeze with hint of orange fragrance.

"This looks so amazing. Look at those beautiful colors"

Yeogran can see the country enjoying the tastiest and juiciest oranges ever. Jang Uk plucked one and started peeling the cover and when the slice entered his mouth he immediately gave a nod.

"Best oranges ever!"

They laughed and continued walking as they talked about random topics until they stopped at a spot and decided to take a rest.

Yeongran liked the peaceful weather and was in the mood for some music so she summoned her spiritual flute and brought it close to her lips.

The soft notes filled the orchard and Jang Uk felt like his tiredness or concerns left his body and was now filled with peace.

No wonder she's known as the Goddess of Music.

Seo Yul was around the end of the orchard, resting under the big weeping willow tree with a book in his hand.

He has been busy teaching the new students and managing the whole academic stuffs was tiring so his escape from the work was resting under his favourite tree which provides an amazing shade.
The soft sound of the flute soon filled his ears and the moment he heard the soft notes, he knew who exactly was playing.

He stood up from his rest and followed the direction of the music until he stopped in front of Jang Uk and Shin Yeongran.

" Oh ?! Yul ? What are you doing here?"

Jang Uk stood up and immediately greeted his friend meanwhile Yeongran kept her flute down and stood up.

"I was relaxing here"

"Under the weird looking tree?"

"It's not weird"

Jang Uk frowned and placed a hand on his shoulder "Don't worry my friend, I will not spill your secrets"

Seo Yul just chuckled at his friends bright personality and simply nod his head.
They started walking back to Jeongjingak with some random conversation between Yul and Uk which is basically just Uk talking to himself all the time and Yul listening to him.

Yeongran sometimes wonder if her close buddy Uk was this talkative and so bright. He is already matured and experienced worse things in life but he still kept up with his bright smile which Yeongran is always thankful for.

The trio walked back to Jeongjingak as Yeongran stopped at the entrance "Uk-ah , Master Seo... I have some business with the King, so I'll go now"

Before Jang Uk can utter a single word Yeongran disappeared right in front of them using the spell she learned for teleportation, leaving small white flower petals at the area where she just stood.

"Master Seo? Teleportation? The hell?"

Even Seo Yul was baffled at how Yeongran had her distance with him, the formal tone she uses when it comes to him.

Jang Uk placed his hands on his pal's shoulder with a troubled look "Give her some time to adjust"

When did things go wrong ?

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