oo. feels distant

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ᅳ    𝗂  𝗌𝗍𝗂𝗅𝗅  𝗌𝖾𝖾  𝗒𝗈𝗎  𝗂𝗇  𝖾𝗏𝖾𝗋𝗒  𝗌𝗎𝗇𝗌𝖾𝗍 💭
𝗺𝗶𝗱𝗻𝗶𝗴𝗵𝘁 𝗿𝗮𝗶𝗻. 𝗌𝖾𝗈 𝗒𝘶𝗅

THE SUN WAS SHINING BRIGHTLY and everyone were focusing on their jobs, minding their own business. Yeongran on the other hand was among the woods of Danhyanggok with Seo Yul beside him, holding a wooden basket filled with freshly plucked medicinal herbs which Master Park Jin has asked them to gather together.

They were in their own world, in silence as if silence is their best friend. Yeongran look around the group of herbs but couldn't point out one of the plants which is very rare to her.

"Master Seo, which one of this is Varneiar ?"

Seo Yul turned around and saw the bunch of herbs, he comes up then stood close to Yeongran who slightly flinched because of the close gap. Seo Yul picked out a very small deep green leaves which had the similar appearance of a maple leaves but mixed with the look of a clover leaves.

"Here" He placed the herbs among the other medicines on Yeongran's basket.

Yeongran hated what she was feeling right now. The smallest action of the person next to her was giving her the feelings, the man had a lot of affect on her which she thought it was gone after years and years of seclusion.

Suddenly Seo Yul reached out his hand towards Yeongran's face and slowly wipped something off from her cheeks carefully as if he was wiping a soft porcelain doll that will break down with a small wrong movement.

"There you go. The dirt is cleaned"

The distance between them made Yeongran feel his breath on her face, his soft yet musky scent was the only thing that she smelled and nothing else. Her eyes staring right at him without blinking or distancing herself away.

Seo Yul gaze at the woman with tranquility in his eyes that hid away all his emotions, his face calm and collected yet somehow his eyes showed emotions of confusion yet a hint of adoration.

"Yeongran... I hope you stop calling me Master Seo.... It feels so distant"

Yeongran just nodded her head and looked down which Seo Yul remembered their distance and backed away.

Yeongran slightly cleared her throat and turned away "Let's go back before the sun sets"

Seo Yul and Yeongran walked back side by side without talking much but the atmosphere wasn't heavy as it was before but rather peaceful and weirdly comfortable.

Soon they reached Daeho when the sun was hidden and was replaced by the bright moon. The streets were filled with lanterns and different street foods.

Seo Yul glance at the rice cake seller and then back to Yeongran "Do you want to eat some of those?"

Yeongran glanced at the direction he was pointing at and nodded her head.

"Two plates of rice cake please, non spicy please"

The owner was fast and served them in few seconds. The kept their basket aside and started eating the food in silence, savoring up the taste. After finishing it they came back to Jeongjingak where they were warmly welcomed by everyone.

After dinner everyone headed back to their own room to take rest and call it a day but Yeongran couldn't sleep so she decided to walk around the garden, the only place that can calm her down.
The midnight fresh air welcomed her warmly. Something is different about the late night fresh air, it always calms her down, giving her peace and comfort which she needed at such nights.

Though it is summer time , her thin pajama still made her shiver lightly from the cold breeze but it felt pleasing to her. Right in front of her was a small pond with a fountain attached to it, she can see the lovely koi fish happily swimming around and the charming daisies, poenies and hydrangeas were blooming while the sunflower seems like they were waiting for the sun. The white bougainvillea tree was so huge and it's petals were everywhere on the ground making it look like snowflakes on the green grass.

Yeongran beamed at the sight of the dazzling flowers and remembered the day she decided to make a garden in front of her balcony when she was reached Gusu and decided to plant all her favourite flowers. The first flower plant she planted at her "small garden" was the particular white bougainvillea at the age of 8 and now it has become a big tree. She was lowkey missing Gusu, her friends and her own room.

She raised her brows in confusion when she heard some footsteps.
"Couldn't sleep?" A cold voice came from behind which Yeongran could immediately make out the owner of the voice.

"Yes... I wanted some fresh air"

Seo Yul sat beside Yeongran and their focus was on the garden in front of them. No one said a thing but only the faint sounds of their breath could be heard

"Will you go back to Gusu again?"

Yeongran was startled with the question and glanced over the guy beside her who had no expression in his face but his eyes that was lingering on her had mixed emotions. The emotions that she could never read.

There was something unexplainable feeling that Seo Yul was feeling ever since he saw Yeongran during the birthday shower and maybe it was fate or destiny that they keep on bumping each other.

"I am not sure....I might go back"

Please don't go.

𝒎𝒊𝒅𝒏𝒊𝒈𝒉𝒕 𝒓𝒂𝒊𝒏 , 𝗌𝖾𝗈 𝗒𝗎𝗅Where stories live. Discover now