Tegan : have u got any plans for dinner yet
Nan ; not yet
Tegan: I'm gonna make us slow cooked satay chicken
Nan : have u made it before
Tegan ; one other time a long time
Nan; ok
Tegan : u happy with that
Nan : yh
Tegan ; ok i will get started
Nan ; do u need help
Tegan: no i don't think so
Nan ; what needs to chopping
Tegan : onions garlic and peppers
Nan : what about the chicken
Tegan ; I'll let that slow cook and then i shred it up when were about to serve up
Nan ; ok well i will cup the peppers up
Tegan; i can do it
Nan; i want to help i can get the chopping bord and sit at the kitchen table and cut
Tegan ; ok

We go to the kitchen and i get the slow cooker out and i cut everything uo and i stick in the slow cooker and i add spice to it and i leave it there to slow cook .

Nan ; what will we have it with
Tegan : rice
Nan ; ok you've cooked for an army
Tegan; i have made a lot but then u have enough for the lunch tomorrow and i have enough for my lunch when i go to work tomorrow. 
Nan : ok right i am going to watch come dine with me are u going to watch
Tegan  : yh I'll watch u go set up do u want a coffee
Nan : oh yes please
Tegan ; iced or hot coffee
Nan ; its hot I'll have cold
Tegan ; ok

She walk out the kitchen and i make us iced coffees and i go to the front room and we watch some come dine with me untill i get a message on Instagram.

Masonmount: hey its mason from last night i just wanted to make sure u back home all ok ?

Teganeze : hi yh got back all ok almost missed the last train home but i made it did u get back all ok .

Masonmount: well i drove but yh i got home all ok

Teganeze : thats good

Masonmount: hear anything from your date

Teganeze; no when i was on the train i blocked him couldn't be bothered with any potential bs 😂

Masonmount; smart thinking

Teganeze : ikr did u get unblocked by your date or still blocked

Masonmount : still blocked but even if she unblocked me I'd block her 😂

Teganeze ; she missed out i had a great dinner with u

Masonmount: i had a great dinner aswell and the guy u were meant to meet also missed out 

Teganeze; they missed out big time

Masonmount: definitely but there loss is our gain if they hadn't of ditched us we wouldn't have met .

Teganeze : your company was probably better then what my date would have been anyway .

Masonmount: ayy thank u , u were probably better then my date aswell she was very blunt iver he messages so she probably would have been blunt in person aswell

Teganeze : i can sometimes come along as blunt but i wasn't irl its difficult to know someone threw message u can leanr about someone threw message but u can't know someone aleast not completely.

Masonmount: never really thought about it untill u just said and i think u have a bit of a point there .

Teganeze : so yh she could have been really nice

Masonmount: guess we will never know

Teganeze: sad times 😔

Masonmount: not really

Teganeze: well aleast u aren't sad then thats good

Masonmount: yh not sad

Teganeze: well then thats good

Masonmount: are u sad u got ditched

Teganeze ; I'd like to know why he didn't show other then that no I'm not really sad i had a good night.  So thank u and thank u for paying

Masonmount; its really ok

Teganeze ; is there anyway i can repay u

Masonmount; your Instagram was enough

Teganeze ; it wasn't

Masonmount; it was

Teganeze ; can i pay for my half aleast

Masonmount : no

Teganeze; please send me your bank details

Masonmount: i payed its over with stop

Teganeze : uhhhh 😡

Mason: 😁

Teganeze : 🖕

Masonmount; unnecessary

Teganeze ;i said i don't like spending money on me.

Masonmount: get over it

Teganeze; bite me

Masonmount: u might be into that but I'm not into that sort of stuff but no judgment

Teganeze : not really into that

Masonmount : course u aren't

Teganeze : I'm not swear

Masonmount : ok i believe u

Teganeze : do u tho

Masonmount : i swear i believe u

Teganeze : ok

I put my phone down

Tegan ; oh its over
Nan ; yh u were to busy on your phone
Tegan ; who won
Nan : the older women
Tegan: oh
Nan : pay attention
Tegan : hey u usually fall asleep watching this so u can't speak
Nan ; oh shh don't be cheeky u little cow

I let out a little laugh

Tegan : another episode and i will watch this time
Nan; will u
Tegan; yh promise
Nan : ok
Tegan; wait i need to give the dinner and mix around
Nan : ok

I get up going to the kitchen and i give the dinner a mix and i go to the toilet and then i join my nan again .

Nan ; ready
Tegan ; yes
Nan ; how is the dinner doing
Tegan ; its smelling and looking good
Nan : good

I sit back down

Nan : ready
Tegan ; yes
Nan ; ready ready
Tegan : yes yes
Nan ; ok

She presses play and this time i atchully watch the show

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