S4 Ep8: Caul's Folly

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The Black Assassin gasped as he woke up. He was breathing heavily as he looked around. His friends were scattered around unconscious, however Jinx was missing, Replaced by a gem. Gar was also missing and The Black Assassin looked around for him before picking up Jinx's gem and holding it close as his friends rose.

," they're gone. They're all gone", Nightwing said,

" but we're still here", Starfire said,

" not all of us", The Black Assassin said

," where were we", Nightwing asked,

" I don't know. All I could see was darkness.", Starfire said

," it was a death realm, her powers sent us there", Raven said,

" how are we still here?", Tim asked,

" Gar saved us somehow, I heard his voice in the darkness", Raven said,

" yeah I think I heard him too.", Nightwing said,

" I did too", Starfire said,

" so where is he", Tim asked,

" I don't know, he's alive though. I'd feel it if he wasn't ", Raven said.

 Starfire walked towards the blood pit ,"I should've killed him when I had the chance.", Starfire said

," Don't do it to yourself. We all made the decision to save him, together", Nightwing said,

" Did we though?", Connor asked,

" I thought you wanted to save him. I wanted to stop him", Connor said,

" Maybe if you worked with us instead of going off on your own. We had to change the plan to save your bald-headed ass", The Black Assassin said,

" and look where your plan got us. In a big empty B-movie Batcave, and all the bad guys scattered into the wind. Take a bow, boss man",

" Stop it", Raven interrupted as she noticed Jinx's gem in The Black Assassin's hand

," Jinx died for us, fighting with each other is not going to change anything", Raven said as she touched Jinx's gem," may I?", Raven asked and The Black Assassin nodded. 

Raven took the gem ," what are you doing", The Black Assassin asked,

" releasing her spirit from this place of evil", Raven said. 

Everyone gathered around except Connor and watched as the gem slowly floated away.," how'd you do that", The Tsuchigumo  asked

," I don't know", Raven said," my powers are back, but they're different somehow", Raven said,

" let's get outta here", The Black Assassin said,

" hold on... there's something down here.", Connor said. Connor punched a hole into the ground and pulled out a case.

 The titans opened the case and there was a book inside and a note. Connor grabbed the book and skimmed over it quickly before grabbing the letter," it's from Lex, he must've planted it here to help us", Connor said,

" yeah, that sounds like Lex", The Black Assassin said sarcastically,

" why would Lex leave something here, of all places?", Kory asked

," if you're reading this, my plan failed and May is as evil as I feared, You must stop her. The book contains information only known by me. Give it to Richard, he claims to be a master detective, so let him detect", Connor read from the note 

" what else does it say", Bryson asked,

" the rest is just for me", Connor said. Connor handed the book to Nightwing and walked away.  Dick and Kory went through the book quickly and found an ancient Tamaranean dialect.

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