The First Time we Walked Side by Side. . .

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I definitely didn't change my mind when I reread what I wrote last night in the morning and decided this entire part would be David's POV... //

First person - David Chiem

''I'm tired of these goddamn introductions. All these people.. they're just a waste of time, why did I even come to Hope's Peak in the first place..,,


I turned around fast, looking at the person that just heard all of that.. It's that girl who walked in with that obsessive fanboy? I'm not sure, I mean, why take note of what other people do if I'll just forget they exist in a couple days?

"I'm Teruko Tawaki, Ultimate Lucky Student.. and I'm assuming you're David Chiem? Just by overhearing your conversation with Xander." I nodded. Hopefully, maybe, she won't bring up that awkwardly tense mome- "So, David, did you not really want to come to Hope's Peak? " ..Alright then.. Right around when she asked that, Xander was back with something for me to sign, so I begrudgingly put on a cheerful face and signed it, trying to brush off the question by acting confused. Xander couldn't help but ask, "Hey, what were you two talking about anyways? Eheh.." I couldn't let a fan know at a time like this; I'm not gonna let some pushover student with no real purpose throw away my career. "Me and Teruko were just having a little chat, that's all, " I started, walking up to her, "let's keep this a secret between the two of us, ok?~ (o'▽'o)" I walked off, hoping that'd do the trick. . .

Prologue (Part 2): First Person - David Chiem

I liked when they all sat in dismay and silence; not having to listen to their mouths run was really purifying, relaxing, and probably the closest thing I've gotten to a break in years. But of course, someone had to tear that apart for me. Them suggesting to explore the place we were stuck in for the rest of our short, pathetic lives was probably the smartest thing I've heard these strangers come up with, but being in partners? That's when I retracted the compliment that I had never even spoke. I could still make it work though.. I went up to Xander, tapping him on the shoulder while they were still discussing;

"Hello again, Xander. Do you want to be my exploration partner?" I mean, why not? I haven't had this much freedom in ages. Being partnered with a fanboy could make it easier for me to toy with him, manipulate, and make the most out of this situation. He seems pretty useful, naïve, with a little bit a brain up in their, and seemed quite strong.. "Huh?! Me?? Wow, I- I can't believe Mr. David Chiem would want to partner with me! Yes of course, why would I ever say no to that?" I've never had a fan act this exhilarated to be around me. I mean, I guess it'd make more sense if I was an actress or a singer; how much of a suck up do you have to be to still be this excited even after meeting me and getting an autograph? Infact, how many people ask public speakers for autographs, and how many even idolize them above entertainers? It doesn't matter, it just makes it easier for me.

I'm surprised that Xander isn't the one that's being idolized right now. I mean, watching him let down Teruko gently when she asked to partner with him was quite entertaining. Maybe I do get why people love public speakers now.. Except for them it's completely inspirational, and for me it's a comedy show, their words being complete bullshit and idiotic nonsense... But, Xander does seem genuine when he speaks, and he talks with his own personality. He doesn't have a well-mannered, charismatic voice; but rather an aggressively upbeat one, one that you'd use to cheer on your favorite sports team; it doesn't sound all that fake. It's not like he is a fake either, atleast I haven't idolized any other motivational speakers, I tend to focus more on myself and my image rather other's.

I got impatient, trying to speed this up in the 'nicest' way possible, "You ready to go, Xander?" His tone changed almost immediately, grabbing me by the hand and running out. How can someone be so positive all the time, but actually enjoyable to be around? It's sickening, but sometimes even I wish to be the things I hate.

"Xander-- can we slow down? I can't.. I can't keep up-" Xander came to a hault, which made me almost fall forward. "Apologies Mr. David, I was just excited to get to explore with you. I won't let it happen again!" I sighed with a smile, "It's quite alright, Xander. Where should we go first then?" He looked around, "Well.. You'd probably have a better idea than me, so you lead. Unless that's too much pressure? Is it too much pressure!?" Xander was quick to blame things on himself or panic over things that hadn't even been said. That's what I could never be like; even when I'm putting on a smile, I won't admit to anything until someone points my slip up out. I've only seen him act this way around me though.. oh my, he really is all over me! "Well, could try that room over there," I pointed to the furthest rool from the one we just left, expecting nobody to come to it first. He waited for me to lead, but I had different plans, "Please, Xander, you're my new friend, we're classmates after all." I grabbed his hand, smiling. He was flustered, which is exactly how I was expecting him to act...

What would my honest opinion on Xander be? Well, in all honesty, he's not that bad. Sure, the paparazzi gets tiring, but atleast some admires you in the crowd. Xander's acted the most respectfully towards me, unlike the other pigs in that class. He's positive, but not overwhelming positive to the point where it's pathetic. He's a leader that becomes a follower when necessary, and never's on his high horse. I will admit that he's also pretty charming. He's taller than me, atleast 2-3 inches, with a much larger build than me and a soothing accent. I haven't felt this close to someone else since.. Well, that doesn't matter. We're all gonna die at some point, right? So why does that matter? Whether or not he's before me or after, we'll all be dead and gone much sooner than we expected, so who cares? Not me, that's for sure.


\\ Is the computer lab the furthest from the screening room? No, it's actually the closest. Do I care? No. //

It felt like traveling an eternity to what seemed like just a few feet away, but that's what you get out of picking the furthest room possible. We entered what seemed to be a computer lab, which seemed just a gloomy as the movie screening room. Xander tried to use a computer, but he didn't get very far.. "What's wrong with this thing? Why won't it work properly?!"  He almost broke the damn thing when he couldn't contact anyone (which I had to stop him from doing), I wonder what would've happened if he didn't follow me so obediently... Maybe partnering with him wasn't the smartest decision on my end.

// This is another apology for the shortened chapter: this time is was even less than the one before. I wanted to push this out before I went to sleep tonight (It's 1AM) so I could finish the prologue ASAP. The next chapter will actually start the whole Xanvid thing, so it'll take longer to come out than this one. Thank you to everyone who's read so far!!

My prologue is also obviously different from the series's one. Mine is the prologue to the shipping part!

Toodles 👋😈 #dontschoolmeongrammar

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