My annoying brother

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"I woke up to the sound of my annoying brother singing, it was horrible".

"I checked the time on my alarm clock by my bed side, it was 7:30am and I will be late for
school and we had Mrs Jones first ".

"Mrs Jones was a cranny old woman who hated me , she liked punishing me and sending me to the principal's office".

"I jumped out of the bed and ran towards my wardrobe. I am Lucy by the way ,I am fifteen years , I have a senior brother called Jack and a mom . I never knew my father".

"Anyway back to what I was doing, I jumped out from bed opened my wardrobe in order to look for what to wear but it was had my whole wardrobe was in complete mess".

I threw some off my clothes on the ground in order to find what to wear it was hard.

But few minutes later I found what to wear and I rushed into the bathroom.

After few minutes in the bathroom , I came out with my towel tied around my body , I putted on my clothes

"I wore a black long pant and a black big top, well which was my brother's.

"And I sat in front of my mirror, I applied a little make up ,wore a heart shaped necklace which was given to me by my mom, wore my cute pin earrings,wore my bracelet and I spared a little perfume".

"I looked at my hair it was such a mess , I took my comb ,combed it till it was soft and packed it in a ponytail form and added a cute hair band on top. I had black ,long silky hair".

"I rushed down stairs and nearly tripped but luckily I didn't and I had no scratch. My mom who was in the kitchen rushed to me to know what happened and I told her I was okay".

"I had my senior brother laughing from the dinning table, he was so annoying I wanted to just pounce on him. But I was stopped by my mom.

"I ran to her hands and pretended to be hurt , I was such a baby , well I was the last born I didn't care" .

"My mom just laughed and said he was keeping my company. I didn't want him to keep my company".

"My senior brother stood up walked towards me and held my cheeks with his hands and said my baby sister am just keeping your company".

"Now I have had enough ,I just wanted to hit his face against the wall till it bleeds,but again I was stopped by my mom".

"Mom asked if I wanted cereals or bread and egg , I told her cereals, as I was eating I heard a knock on the door mom told me to get it ."

Hi , readers this is the end of chapter 1 , and I have published it, I will begin writing chapter 2 but I will need you guys to read , vote ,share and comment on my book in order to motivate me to continue

Love u all❤️😘 xoxo irimisose Bethany

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