Chapter 2: Life goes on

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Weeks passed, the cheetah cubs slowly began morphing from tiny fluff balls into young cheetahs as they travelled across the savannah with their mother, Asuga.

Having already lost two Cubs mere weeks after they were born, Asuga rarely left them alone, deciding that now was the best time to teach them how to hunt. So that is exactly what she planned to do as she informed her four remaining cubs to stay put until she returned. Heading off in search of a young gazelle or warthog. It would be best to start them off on something smaller, closer to their own size. With that in mind Asuga quickly fixated her immaculate gaze upon a young gazelle, no more than a few weeks old. The poor thing seemed barely able to stand on its own hooves, and its mother was none the wiser of Asugas presence.
The young cheetah glanced back towards where she had left her Cubs before narrowing her eyes and locking her gaze on the fawn. This was her one chance to catch it, she couldn't mess up, her Cubs lives might depend on it. As Asuga crept closer to the fawn she caught the sound of the mothers nervous grunts and paused for a moment, mere feet from the fawn. As the mother gazelle began to troy towards it's offspring Asuga barreled out of her cover and towards her prey. Spinning on her heels she nipped at the fawns back legs before latching onto it's throat, making sure not to puncture anything. The fawn hung exhausted in her jaws, simply giving into it's inevitable fate while it's mother stood a few yard's away grunting and pawing at the ground, giving soft calls to it's fawn as if to get a response. No response would come for this mother, her battle was now over.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 17, 2023 ⏰

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