𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐀𝐝𝐯𝐢𝐜𝐞 || Ashley x Non-Bi Lesbian! Reader

Start from the beginning

"Be back before sundown, k? I'll be making something special for dinner." He kissed your forehead before waving you a temporary goodbye. 

"Alright." Closing the door, you observed your surroundings. The hallway had a small hint of mold and peeling wallpaper, but it was tolerable. Making your way to the elevator, you checked out each floor, trying your best to spot blue hair. 'Where is this kid?' 

As you were walking you felt a hand on your shoulder. You screamed and swung your hand around to wack whoever had touched you. "OW! FUCK!" Finally seeing who was behind you, you ended up finding the blue haired kid and another boy he was with. He had a nice length of brown hair and was wearing a Sanity Falls shirt. 

"I'm so sorry! Hold on, let me just-" You quickly opened your bag to get the medic kit. You helped the boy stop the bleeding from his nose and apologized nonstop. He laughed lightheartedly and told you it was fine. 

"Your good dude, man though, you can really pack a punch! I'm guessing you're y/n? We were looking for you...well, at least he was." Looking up to where he was pointing, you spotted Sal. 

"Glad I finally found you! I went to your apartment but your dad said you were already gone. This is Larry, I thought it would be cool if we all hung out, if that's alright with you?"

"Of course! The more the merrier, I was just looking around as well. As a matter of fact, I was actually looking for you to," you said with a small laugh. 

"Really? I guess it all worked out then. We were going to head to Todd's apartment after we found you, you don't mind if he joins us right?" Sal asked, wanting to make sure you were comfortable with meeting more people. 

"Not at all, let's go!" With a voice of fake confidence, you follow the two boys. 'Ughhhhhhh, more people? I'm gonna need snacks and a good show to recharge after this...' 

~ At Todd's Apartment ~

You were surprisingly having a good time hanging out with these boys. Being particular with the type of people you hang out with, you easily connected with them. They were funny, laid back, and just overall nice guys. When one talked, they didn't forget to include everyone else. You guys ate snacks, watched some shows, laughed at each other's dumbass choices, it really was a fun time. You commented on how cool the guys were and how it's nice to be around them. This caused them to talk about their other friends. One name stood out to you however, Ashley.

They talked highly of her and described her as a really nice gal. You were intrigued, she sounded like a sweetheart. "Do you guys think I could meet everyone else? If you don't mind," you asked.

"Hell yeah! They'll definitely love you. We'll just have to wait till school rolls around again," Larry said with a laugh, holding a thumbs up. Todd and Sal agreed, they really were reassuring. You checked the time and realized you should start heading to your dad soon. 

"Aw shit, I gotta go, don't want to be late to dinner. Thanks for having me over Todd! I'll see you guys later." Everyone wished you a good night and you headed back to the apartment. When you opened the door, you heard the TV playing, saw the lights turned off, and heard the sound of sniffling. You saw your dad sitting on the couch holding a pillow close. 


"Y/n?" He looked at you with small tears in his eyes. You laughed lightheartedly.

"What movie was it this time?" 

"The Princess and The Frog...Ray didn't deserve to die! At least he's with Evangaline." You pat your dad on the back.

"Goodness, you need a moment?"

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