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Huening Kai's POV

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Huening Kai's POV.

It's May now, the 10th, to be exact. Our world tour concludes on the 27th. We'll be in America then and staying there until the end of May. It's been rough without Yeonjun Hyung, and it's all my fault if I hadn't tripped him. Heck! If I didn't even ask for help, none of this would've happened. I cried so much, Hyung. The whole first week, no one knew except for Taehyun. Of course, I had to tell him. He's my friend, my best friend, just... just my friend.

I've been wondering about things between me and Hyun. We're very close, always have been. But things feel different. I can't help but get a little upset when he hangs out with Soobin or Beomgyu Hyung, especially Beomgyu Hyung. Yet, I'm still not sure why. Could it? Could it be I'm jealous!? But why? We're, we're just friends, right? And we're bandmates, like a family. Plus, he is definitely not into guys. Not! Um, not like that matters, 'cause I'm not either. We're both straight. Not to mention us being K-pop idols, we aren't even allowed to date. Ok. That's a lie. As long as we don't get caught, it's fine. But I mean, what would our fans think? I've seen it happen before, even with dating conspiracies. They always bash the other idol whose 'dating' the idol they stan, and being in the same group could make it even worse. Ah! Why am I thinking about this?

"HYUKA!" I jumped, bringing my arms closer to my chest, practically hugging myself.

"Yah! Tae!" I frowned, lowering my arms.

"I called your name at least five times? What's wrong." He inquired

"Nothing, geez!" I pouted, "I was deep in thought, and you interrupted." I said, crossing my arms.

"What were you thinking about?" He asked.

"Uh, I, n-nothing! Just the... World Tour! Yup, thinking about that." I stuttered, "Just thinking about our world tour," I chuckled.

Gosh! Why am I so awkward? He must think I'm a weirdo. I mean, who starts thinking about...
Whatever that was, especially if it involves your 'straight' best friend.

"Um, yea. Ok, whatever you say..." He doubted

Ugh, what do I do?

"So... Do you wanna 'work out' with me," Tae asked, batting his eyelids.

I chuckled, "Sure, honey."

He suddenly stopped, his eyes fully open staring into mine. His lips pressed together with his mouth in a straight line. His eyebrows slightly lifted. He tilted his head and opened his mouth to speak but quickly closed it, pursing his lips together.

"What?" I questioned

"What did you just say!?" He asked

That's when it hit me.

Ah, shit! I said Honey didn't I...

I internally facepalmed. I meant to say 'Hyunnie.' But I suppose I accidentally said 'Honey' instead. Now what. Right after having these weird thoughts, of course, I had to say that. Great going me, just great. Who even says 'honey' anymore? Old people, I guess. Like Yeonjun and Soobin Hyung. Well, maybe just Yeonjun Hyung since he was born in the 1900s.

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