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Soobin's POV

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Soobin's POV.

I was at the front desk signing some paperwork. Since his parents weren't here I was stuck doing it. There was more than I thought there would be so it was exhausting. When I finally finished I grabbed my phone and dialed our group's manager. They said they'd send over a ride so I headed outside with my bodyguards.

The car arrived and we hopped in, two of our managers were in the car, one driving, and the other one in the front seat. "How is he?" one of them asked. I sighed looking down at my lap, I had no more tears left to cry.

"He's in a coma," I responded.

I heard a couple of gasps. They definitely didn't expect that answer, but there was no denying it. I just hope he makes it, the doctor said it was unlikely he'd die but it doesn't change the fact that there's a possibility of it happening. I wanted to scream and cry all my worries away. It won't change anything, no matter what I do it'll all stay the same. All I can do... is wait, and hope he'll be okay.

It's 11 pm now and I've been at the hospital since 1 pm. It was 10 hours of torture, but I couldn't bare to leave. To leave him there, all alone. I wish I could've stayed by his side, but I wasn't allowed to, which probably is a good thing. I haven't had a meal to eat all day and I'm starving but I have no appetite.

We arrived and got out of the vehicle. As we headed inside I said goodbye to the managers and walked to our dorm, the bodyguards following me. Normally one of our managers would stay until we were all asleep, for our safety. But they decided it would be best if the four of us were left alone today. I put in the code, entered the dorm and turned around to bow to the bodyguards. I said bye then shut the door and turned around again. I saw Beomgyu, Taehyun, and Huening Kai. I couldn't bear to explain everything. Just thinking about how Yeonjun Hyung was hurt made my heart feel like it could shatter at any moment. Like I could lose him at any moment.

Like I could lose my everything
I could never say it out loud. We're just co-workers, just friends, nothing more. But you mean the world to me... and now you've left me. What am I supposed to do Hyung, you helped me, guided me. Our world tour is soon. And we'll have to perform, without you... again, just like last time... I wish I could go back in time. Grab your arm and pull you back, act as if I'm jealous even though I know it's not acting. I could've pulled you closer, hugged you tight, refusing to let go, the sudden affection I'd give would make you giggle, and your smile would give me butterflies.

If only...
If only I had the guts. If I wasn't embarrassed to express my emotions toward you.

Taehyun opened his mouth to say something but I simply ignored him walking past them.

"Hyung?" Beomgyu yelled, "What's wrong!" He grabbed my arm.

I tried to pull away but his grip was too strong. He pulled me closer into a hug and caressed my hair. Dry tears exit my eye glands. He hugged me tighter and I hugged back, silence filled up the room. It wasn't awkward but comforting. Tears were still falling from my eyes, but no noise was heard. Taehyun and Huening walked over and joined the hug.

If only Yeonjun Hyung was here, all five of us could be hugging.
But it's only us four...

"You haven't eaten yet have you?" Taehyun asked. I shook my head in response, "Well, I cooked ramen earlier and we saved you some. It'll help your hunger and thirst."

I wasn't in the mood to eat right now, my appetite was completely gone. But, I knew if I didn't eat they would worry and I didn't want anyone to worry about me, so I went to the kitchen and got the leftover ramen. I didn't mind eating it cold, it's not like I was focusing on the taste.



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