God, help me!

I reach out and turn on the radio. An all too familiar love song comes on and I feel myself tense up.

That's the song we danced to at our wedding!

I reach out to change it, the same time he does and our hands touch.

“Sorry” we both murmur at the same time.

He stares at me and I immediately look out the window. I hear the radio stations change until it stops as a random, no feelings attached song begins to play. I keep staring out the window, fighting everything in me not to turn.

I'm going to regret this.

“Why'd you bring me my old clothes?” I ask, not turning to look at him.

I hear him turn down the volume of the song.

“I know how nervous you get when you're on a flight. You hardly travel alone... except when you were leaving for college. I thought since I or our son or anyone else isn't going to be with you, you could use something that'll make you feel comfortable and much better... less terrified if I dare to say”.

I turn to look at him.

“So you went to my mother's house?” I ask.

“To talk to her, yes. The whole outfit thing wasn't planned” he says.


“That's where you were? My mother's?”.

“I went out to clear my head” he answers. “That wasn't planned either”.

“But you talked to her”.

“I needed something to talk to and she being the first person to come to mind, I went to see her” he says.

I watch him, his eyes fixed on the road.

“Wise woman” he continues, a smile tugging at his lips. “She always knows just what to say”.

I shift in my seat.

“You're really lucky to have a mother like her”.

I shift again.

“Thank you” I say after a while. “And thank you for the clothes” I add after another while. “I really needed them”.

He nods. A plane flies over our heads and I notice we're close to the airport.

“Noah” I call.

He glances at me.

“Alexandra” he responds.

I sigh.

“I know things are very bad between us right now but... I'm so happy you got out before you became someone you're not and made decisions that would be beyond fixing. Honestly”.

He smiles.

“I treat you like trash and you still have my best interest at heart” he chuckles. “You are just something else, Miss Graham”.

A small smile tugs at my lips as I turn away. I turn back to look at him when the car slows down at the toll before entering the airport.

“Noah, I know I'm probably overstepping and this is none of my business but... what are you doing to do now?” I whisper.

He drives through the toll before answering me.

“I'll go back to Melbourne. Back to being a doctor” he says. “It'll be nice to see Malia again. And I won't have it easy but I'm going to try to earn her forgiveness and win our friendship back”

Mark of an Alpha's Queen Where stories live. Discover now