Hockey mask

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Thanks to all of you who gave me new ideas on how to continue this story! I really appreciate it <33

TW suicidal thoughts

Laying on your bed, you felt very uncomfortable. You didn't know if it was the pose you were in or the temperature but something was just keeping you away from sleep. A million different thoughts rushing through your head all at once. The kidnapping, the slashers getting attached to you, Billy's random appearance and Hannibal's green notebook. It freaked you out, you felt exhausted from it all. It kinda made you want to die, to set free. You wanted to escape but it was too late, you had already gotten attached to these horrid people, some aren't even human. Your mind is telling you to run, run far and never look back, but your heart is telling you to stay, to help them and nurture them. It's all so frustrating.
Tears fall down your face and on to the pillow as you lay there, crying in silence.
All these killers have made your mental health turn for the worst, I mean, living in a house full of killers who constantly fight over you can't be healthy. It makes you want to slit your wrists. To tie that rope around your neck. To plunge a knife deep into your felt so..uncomfortable around them..afraid of they could snap at any moment and kill needed to tell someone about the notebook in Hannibal's room. It was too much to bear. But it couldn't be Freddy or anyone who would tell everyone, you wanted to save the embarrassment for Hannibal. In some way you did care about all of them. The notebook has been nagging at you all night, you just can't stop thinking about it, why would Hannibal even do something like that?.. it makes you feel so uncomfortable, so weird, you just had to tell someone. Who wouldn't tell anyone? Freddy, pennywise, Danny and chucky are all immediately a no. Norman would probably accidentally tell someone while talking. You were unsure of candyman. Michael was a good option but something was telling you that he most likely wouldn't be able to keep his composure and immediately attack Hannibal, causing a scene. Same as Brahms. You barley knew billy so he's a no. Thomas was closed off..quite and didn't interact with anyone, he wouldn't be much help.
So that just leaves had never spoken to him except for when you first met but that doesn't really count. Why not give it a shot. You got up from your bed, put on a hoodie and went to Jason's room. The corridors were dark and quite, very creepy. Arriving at Jason's door, you knocked on it and waited for a response...nothing. You tried knocking again...noting. Sighing, you turned around and were about to leave before you heard the door behind you open.
You turned around again to see Jason standing there, his head slightly tilted "..h-hey you mind if I come in for a second? I need to talk with you for moment" you asked. After a few seconds he hesitantly nodded and let you come inside "thank you so much Jason, I really needed to talk to someone and I thought you would be the best you mind if I sit down?" You pointed at his bed. He nodded so you sat down and he sat down next to you "soo uhmm..about the thing I wanted to talk's been nagging me the whole night and I just can't sleep" before you could continue speaking, jason stood up and grabbed a piece of paper and a pen, he sat back down and started writing on it. After the finished, he gave the piece of paper to you "what is it?" was written on the paper " few hours ago Hannibal told me to meet him in his office/room. While he was gone I found a notebook on his table and we'll.. I started looking through it" you explained. Out of the corner of your eye, you could see Jason slightly moving closer to you. You didn't think much of it tho "the first few pages in the notebook was just detailed information of how his days were going..but then I found multiple drawings of me...very inappropriate drawing of me, and alongside there were very inappropriate notes about me and my body. It freaked me out" you explained, sighing and looking down "Hannibal doesn't know about what I found in that notebook but..I feel terrified..i don't know what to do" Jason was silent for a moment but then he started writing something down. After he finished he gave the paper to you and gently put his hand on your thigh, giving it a light squeeze "need a hug?" Was written on the paper. You didn't Say anything, you just slightly nodded. Jason carefully wrapped his arms around you, he had very little knowledge on how to comfort someone, but he was trying his best. You immediately hugged him back and tightly squeezed him, not wanting to let go. A few tears fell down from your eyes and you started sniffling. Out there with the other slashers you felt scared, uneasy. So far Thomas and Jason are the only ones who you truly feel safe around. So many thoughts rushed through your brain that you didn't even noticed both of you had laid down on the bed, cuddling each other. Breaking your train of thoughts was a slight, very quite humming sound. There were voice cracks and pauses in between and the voice didn't sound too good, but Jason was trying his best to calm you down

(I know Jason can't talk but he can make little grunts and noises, that includes very shitty humming)

It seemed to help, the muscles in your body relaxed and you curled yourself even closer to Jason. A slight blush creeped on Jason's face but it was covered by the hockey mask. Jason rested his head on top your and gave held you even tighter. Jason really did have a good heart. You felt your eyelids become heavier and you were slowly drifting off to sleep.

Jasons pov:
I could feel y/n's muscles relax, I hugged them tighter. Something was telling me to not let go, I've never felt this feeling before. It wasn't bad, it was actually quite nice. Y/n was nice, there was something special about them and mother approved of them.I could tell that mother really liked y/n, and so did i!
I think I'm in love with y/n.

Y/n pov
I woke up on a rock hard floor. The room around me was hot and steamy. Sitting up you saw that you were in a boiler room again. The walls greasy and disgusting with rusty, steaming pipes going in all directions. Then suddenly you heard a loud laugh echo through the halls "Freddy I'm not in the mood right now" you told him off. Suddenly Freddy appeared right in front of you "does it look like I give a shit, babygirl?" He asked "ok, gross, don't ever call me that again" you looked at him with disgust "aww don't look at me like that, you know you like it~" he purred in your ear. He lifted up your chin with two fingers and examined your neck " seems that the marks i gave you have faded" he said, a hint of mischief in his voice "looks like I'll have to give you a few more~"
"W-wait no Freddy stop, we can talk about this!" You pushed his hand away from your chin "oh yeah? What's there to talk about?" He asked, a his creepy smile turning into a smirk "m-my neck is still sore, please don't" you explained while trying to push him away. Freddy chucked "seeing you like this, it's really turning me on" his smirk getting bigger "n-no! Stop!" He laughed manically.
Back in the human world, Jason could feel you kicking and struggling. At first he didn't understand what was wrong, was he making you feel uncomfortable? No, y/n is still asleep, then it must be a bad dream...Freddy....Freddys tormenting them isn't he? Freaking out, Jason starts shaking you and trying to wake you up. You suddenly jolted, sitting up while breathing heavily, Jason successfully woke you up. After a minute or two, you calmed down and looked at Jason. You suddenly wrapped your arms around him and tightly hugged him
"oh thank you so much, Jason" You thanked him. Jason hugged you back. It lasted for a few seconds before You let go of the hug and so did Jason. He then grabbed a piece of paper, wrote something on it and handed it to you
"are you ok?"  He asked "y-yeah...Freddy just..gave me another nightmare" you explained. It made Jason's blood boil. Hearing Freddy, the person he hates the most in this world, tormenting his beloved y/n! He just wanted to tear freddys face off and brake every bone in his body.

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