Vienna frowned, "Hey!"

Meredith spun around in her seat, "Who's pathetic?"

The other three gave Cristina a look, to which she simply faced the other way. "What?"

"You, who pretend to be my friends are calling me pathetic behind my back in front of my face." Meredith said, very clearly inebriated. George almost instantly pointed at Cristina, basically ratting her out. "Why don't you just dump the pig's blood on me now and get it over with?"

Vienna giggled. "Behind her back, in front of her face."

The bell on the bar's door then jingled, signaling someone was entering. All of the interns' heads snapped toward the door, only for it to just be Tyler, one of the nurses.

As they all turned back around, somewhere in the bar a pager went off. George was getting ready to take his turn again when his pager went off, and then one after the other, all of the doctors in the bar's pagers started going off.

"Joe, turn up the TV!"

"A massive train wreck occurred just outside of Seattle just minutes ago." A news reporter on the bar TV informed.

Cristina looked at her pager, "911."

"We just worked a 30 hour shift." Izzie complained.

"I don't have any clean underwear." George sighed as the interns picked up their coats and bags, getting ready to leave.

"The Vancouver-bound train was carrying over 300 passengers."

"Meredith?" Cristina called as she and Vienna waited for her at the door.

Meredith exchanged a few words with Joe before she made her way over to the two. "Bye Joe."

Now in the hospital, Vienna threw her bag onto the floor of the elevator as she and the rest of the interns changed into their scrubs.

"I think I saw a pneumothorax." Cristina said to George and Vienna. "I hope I get a pneumothorax."

Each of them except for Meredith grabbed their own yellow E.R. gowns and began putting them on. Bailey joined them shortly after, decked out in a dress and heels.

"Oh!" George exclaimed in shock.

"What are you looking at?"

Vienna snickered as Bailey walked over to Alex and handed him her jacket and purse. "Hey, you, go get me my damn shoes. Let's move, people."

"Hello. I seem to be a little bit drunk. I was off duty."

"So was I!" Bailey shook her head before looking at the other interns, "Anybody else half in the bottle?" They all shook their heads no, George checking his breath to make sure. "All right then. Grey just stay out of the way. I'll deal with you later. The rest of you, stick with me and wait for your assignments. Now, you get all aquiver at the sight of blood, and organs but it's gonna be a long night and you already tired. I don't want any mistakes."

The group then entered the E.R., Vienna's eyes glistening at the sight of it packed with patients. "Holy crap."

"I'm so not tired anymore." Cristina said in awe.

Epiphany, Mark Sloan¹Where stories live. Discover now