"No," Izzie said in an obvious lying tone. "I just want him to meet some of my friends."

Vienna cackled. "Oh, shit, the sex is totally bad!"

"Bad sex," Cristina grinned teasingly at the blonde. "Sucks for you."

"I heard there's a party tonight," Alex said as he walked up to the group.

"A party?" Cristina played dumb.

"No party," George shook his head.

"Uh, news to me," Izzie shrugged.

Vienna stared at him before grinning mischievously, "Yeah," she nodded. "There's a party. At Mer's, ━━ You should come."

"Vienna, Dr. Warren has requested to have you on his service," Bailey told the woman. "You can meet him up on the PEDS floor now."

She chuckled awkwardly, "I didn't know he was serious about that." Cristina and Meredith turned to the woman with questioning looks, prompting the girl to ignore it and swiftly turn on her heel, walking away.

Arriving on the peds floor and stepping out of the elevator, she made her way toward Bowie, who she found standing at a nurse's desk waiting for her.

"So, you managed to convince Dr. Bailey."

He smiled, "What can I say, I've got charm."

The two made their way to one of the beds in the peds ward occupied by a young child and an adult woman on the side. "Benjamin Lewis, age 11. Fever, tenderness on the lower abdomen." Vienna presented.

Bowie nodded, "Can I check your stomach?" He asks the child who nods. After barely pressing on his abdomen, Benjamin lightly screeched in pain. "Okay. The appendix is inflamed." He muttered.

"Is he going to need surgery?" His mother asks.

"Yes, but don't worry. It's a small surgery, and you, little man, will leave here with the tiniest scar." Bowie smiled, looking toward the boy, "And after the surgery, you can convince your mom to buy you ice cream."

"Admit him and then book an OR," Bowie tells Vienna.

After assisting Bowie in his appendectomy, the two were now in the scrub room scrubbing out, and Vienna turned to him. "That was awesome."

He placed the soap down to rinse his hands off as he glanced over at her. "Oh, that was nothing," Bowie said humbly.

"No, really ━━ " Vienna laughed, "You're kind of cool."

"Kind of? You wound me."

The blonde laughed. "Well, you'd be cooler if you lost that scrub cap."

"Oh, what?" He gaped, "Don't tell me you're hating on my snowmen?" His scrub cap was gray, the bottom covered in snow with a bunch of snowmen plastered onto it, flurries of snow in the air, too.

"No way. We are nowhere near Christmas or winter," Vienna shook her head.

"Some people like snowmen all year around."

"And those people aren't cool," She smirked nonchalantly, throwing her mask into the trashcan. Bowie laughed, hand raising to rub the back of his neck as he watched Vienna leave the room.

Epiphany, Mark Sloan¹Where stories live. Discover now