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A/N: Wow look at me updating... Sorry guys, it's been one hell of a year for me. I translated a book, got sick, got better, went to a very stressful interview, taught 40 kids how to write in English and wrote 2 scripts for the year-end play while I was missing. So I think I might be forgiven? *sweats a lot* Anyways! here's part 3 and omg it's my favourite part of THEN because fucking finally we have some ~feelings~ developing and the slow burn starts... also they begin being steadily frustrating and angering but oh well, it'll probably be okay at the end, who knows.. (I still haven't written the final, so..) It's also a VERY LONG update, like, I'm serious. Idk how long since I wrote it on docs but like, IT IS LONG. So I hope it'll compensate for the general lack of updates ❤️

Without further ado, I hope you'll enjoy the update ❤️

They were fourteen when they had their first big fight.

Lisa, for the first time in eleven years, had been feeling annoyed at Jungkook for real. Downright angry, even. Also, hurt.

Because he had been neglecting her.

And ignoring.

He now had some popularity as a player in their school's basketball team and one of the older players, their senior, had taken him under his wings. And he was all Jungkook had been talking about.

Jaehyun hyung this, Jaehyun hyung that, Jaehyun hyung's so cool, he can score three points even blindfolded, blah blah blah.

Lisa had never disliked someone this much in her life.

They still were together in the class but now Jungkook was having lunch with his teammates and his Jaehyun hyung every day and Lisa could swear that damnable Jung Jaehyun was smirking at her during lunch break every single time.

It had been months since she and Jungkook had done something together. As in alone together. Whatever happened, Jaehyun hyung would always be there.

She was bitter and angry and was feeling betrayed.

That's why she was sulking and meticulously avoiding looking at Jungkook as they did their homework.

"Hey Liz," Jungkook said, popping a grape into his mouth without looking away from his maths problems. "Wanna go to the arcade after this?"

Unwillingly, but not being able to help herself, Lisa looked up.

"The arcade?"

"There's a new game, the kids told me. Something about space," Jungkook shrugged one shoulder. But looked at Lisa then, "You like all things space. Stars and all. Wanna try?"

Feeling the petty monster inside her taming a little, Lisa smiled, "Really? But you don't like playing those games."

Jungkook grinned, "It's okay. Kids and Jaehyun hyung will be there too, I can hang out with them."

To this, Lisa's face fell instantly and the monster growled dangerously, anger hot in her veins.

"Oh really," she said in a flat voice but her eyes were burning. "So dear Jaehyun hyung will be there, huh."

Frowning at the change of expression on her face, Jungkook gave her a questioning look.

"Yes? What's wrong with that?"

"Oh nothing," Lisa replied with a saccharine smile. "Nothing's wrong of course. What could be wrong about Jaehyun hyung, right?"

This time she could see him getting annoyed, too.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 16, 2023 ⏰

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