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Candi giggled as she ran back into the room where the rest of the gang were sat discussing their plans for the day.
"Dude, Dude, Dude" Candi tugged on Dude's arm. The gang went silent and all looked at Candi
"What's up Cand?" Dude smiled.
"Can we do an Easter Egg Hunt?" Candi smiled and hoped that Dude would say yes 
"Of course we can Candi" Dude glanced around at the rest of the gang who all nodded and agreed. Candi jumped up and down excited.
"We need to buy eggs and find someone to hide them" Mimi pointed out.
"We can get one of out Redcoat friends to do that for us" Candi was still jumping up and down giggling.

It was later on that day and one of the Redcoats had hidden some eggs for the gang, one for each gang member in their colour.
Candi was the first one with her pink shoes, her pink coat and her bright pink easter basket sat on the floor waiting beside the front door. Sprout smiled at his sister as he put his shoes on and sat beside her. The rest of the gang were sat in their rooms putting their shoes on and finishing getting ready. Sprout and Candi were clearly the most excited about the easter egg hunt.

Suddenly Candi and Sprout went silent, they both stood up and went to one of the bedroom doors, it was Dude's. They opened the door and sat beside him on his bed
"Duuuudddeee" Candi looked at Dude trying not to giggle
"Candi" Dude turned to Candi smiling.
"Can we go now?" Sprout stood up and  tried to pull Dude up by grabbing his arm. Candi  looked at her brother and grabbed Dudes other arm and tried dragging him up and tried to help her brother.
"Come on then, I'm sure everyone  else is ready" Dude stood with Candi and Sprout still attached to his arms.

The gang had finally started their Easter Egg Hunt. They had decided to go in teams of two (and one team of three). There was Mimi and Misty, Bud and Pip and Candi, Dude and Sprout. They figured it would be easier to find the eggs that way.

Mimi and Misty were walking and for once Misty wasn't playing any pranks or being mean. She was being quite nice.
"Is that a yellow egg?" Misty pointed to something yellow that was hidden in the grass. Mimi smiled hoping that she would be the first one to get her egg. She crouched down and moved the grass to see that the yellow thing she saw was just a leaf. Misty giggled.
"You knew it was a leaf. Didn't you?" Mimi hit Misty's arm. Misty shrugged and carried on walking giggling to herself. A few moments later Misty ran towards something which to Mimi just looked like a grey blob in the distance. Misty had found her grey egg. Misty put the egg into her basket and smiled at Mimi as they carried on walking.
"Look! What's that?" Misty pointed to something in the distance, Mimi looked and then glanced at Misty who was throwing something yellow behind them.
"Is that my egg Misty?" Mimi looked at Misty and then tried to look to see where the yellow thing had landed. Misty smiled and shrugged. Mimi rolled her eyes and went to find the yellow thing. It was her egg. She walked back over to Misty,
"You had it? This entire time?" Mimi rolled her eyes at Misty and placed her egg into her basket.
"Maybe" Misty smiled. Mimi just hit her arm.
"Let's go back. I'm cold" Mimi turned around and walked back towards their home.

Bud and Pip smiled at each other.
"Is that an egg?" Bud pointed to something that was hidden in a Bush. Pip shrugged and walked towards it. She turned to bud and nodded.
"Its Candi's. They won't mind If i rehide it somewhere easier will they?" Pip said picking up the pink egg
"Just dont tell anyone" Bud smiled. Pip put the egg on top of a bench so that Candi would find it easily. They carried on walking and soon after found both of their eggs together.
"That wasn't hard. They hid our eggs in the exact same place" Bud picked the purple and red eggs up. He passed pip the purple one which she put in her basket and bud put the red one in his basket.
"Let's go back. I wonder how everyone is doing and if everyone has found their eggs" Pip smiled. They both turned around and walked home.

"Come on! We need to find the eggs" Candi pulled on Dudes arm. Dude turned to Sprout
"We want the eggs Dude!" Sprout smiled. He knew Dude wanted him to tell Candi to calm down or something but he couldn't. He was just as excited as she was.
"LOOK" Candi ran over to a flowerbed and picked up a blue egg.
"It's my egg" Dude smiled as Candi passed him the egg. Candi jumped up and down
"Now we just need to find mine and Sprouties eggs" She giggled. Sprout suddenly ran off and came back a few moments later with his green egg in his basket.
"Now we just need to find yours Candi" Dude smiled. After walking for a while they finally found Candi's egg. It was on the bench where pip had put it.
"MY EGG" Candi giggled and ran towards the egg. She picked it up and put it into her basket.
"Do you want to go back home now?" Dude smiled. Candi and Sprout nodded. Dude put his arms around Candi and Sprout and they both put their arms around his back.

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