The deep blue sea twinkled under the moonlight as it calmly washed over the shore.

"Good evening! This is Seong Taehoon, from Taehoon Taekwondo Tv."

Fuck, I can already feel the second hand embarrassment.

I peeked around the corner of the balcony to see Taehoon sat on the steps, staring at his camera.

He rubbed the back of his head in embarrassment, "Fuck.. that was really cringy. Why do I have to-"

Girlish laughter filled the silence.

Taehoon shot up, "Who's there?! Who the fuck laughed-"

He sprinted around the corner.

Why do I have the feeling I'll have to step in?

I sighed and walked towards where Taehoon disappeared around the corner.

"Hey. You think this is funny?"

Rounding the corner, I saw Yeonwoo staring at Taehoon with a confused expression.

It definitely wasn't him.. the voice was female.

Looking around the area, I tried to spot anyone.

They must've run by now...

Turning back to the scene, I saw Taehoon pinning Yeonwoo down under his foot.

What's that crunching noise?

"I asked if you laughed at me. Answer me." Taehoon glared at Yeonwoo and yanked his hair.

I turned to see Gyeoul eating popcorn while watching them.

"I was the one who laughed." She boldly announced.

"Oh.. I'm sorry." Yeonwoo apologised for some reason.

Did he not hear Gyeoul...

I placed my hand on Taehoon's shoulder, making him jump as Gyeoul looked alarmed and ran away.

"He already apologised." I stated as Taehoon looked surprise and then embarrassed, "Let's go."

He grumbled and shot on more glare at Yeonwoo, "I'm taking this."

Taehoon snatched Yeonwoo's earphones and grabbed my hand, pulling me away.

"Did you hear... before?" Taehoon asked, his face turning red as he avoided eye contact.

"Oh, that?" I smiled teasingly, "Nope."

"Don't talk about it... ever." Taehoon commanded.

"Why would I? I felt embarrassed for you." I joked as I squeezed his hand.

A small smile appeared on Taehoon's face but if I mentioned it, I'm sure he would deny it.

In the distance I could see Rumi, Gaeul and Bomi.

It looked like some guys were bothering them.

Letting go off Taehoon's hand, I speedwalked in their direction.

If I had looked back I might have seen Taehoon's disappointed expression as he stared at his empty hand.

"Are you ladies here with friends or is it just the three of you?"

"There's actually seven of us." Gaeul responded to them, seemingly not aware of their intentions.

They all sat down next to the girls.

I stopped in front of them.

"What are you doing?" I asked, placing my hands on my hips as I glared at them.

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