Chapter 19

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It was early morning when an owl dropped a letter directly on my face while I slept. Of course one of the corners poked me in the eye making me let out a pained yelp and roll over.

I sat up holding my eye and looking for the damned owl. He sat on the perch next to my owl who was still asleep. It was garo grey and had its feathers ruffled about. "Damn it, Fink." I cursed at Marc's stupid owl. He ignored me and took off flying out the open window.

I looked at Marc's letter and opened it the letter. I was hoping there would be something but it was just the field trip form signed. I sighed at his lack of wanting to talk to me.

Despite everyone else still being asleep I hurried and got dressed. I knew Sebastian usually would get up early to do any homework he hadn't finished before classes. So I thought I would surprise him and be the one waiting outside his common room.

I put on my white button up with the yellow and black plaid vest and grey skirt for the day. I finally got another pair of shoes from Hogsmead. So I didn't need to wear my brown leather boots today but a pair of black loafers.

I gave myself a once over in the mirror before grabbing my bag and heading out.

As I walked through the common room I braided my hair over my shoulder and grabbed bread from one of the trays of food. I stopped and lingered a bit longer at the couch that Andre and I had spoke at a few months ago. I tried not to think of it and shook my head before walking out of the giant barrel door.

I maybe saw one other student as the sun was barely starting to peak through the windows of the school. It seemed definitely a bit colder. I had contemplated going back for a sweater but decided against it.

I made it to where the Slytherin door is and tried to make myself not look out of breath. I took a few deep breaths and pulled out a book to look busy. I didn't even glance at what book it was.

I waited maybe five minutes pretending to read when the Slytherin door finally appeared and Sebastian walked out. He looked half awake. His hair was more messier then usual and he was still buttoning up his shirt.

He saw me leaning against the wall opposite of the hidden door to the skriptorium. He gaze instantly softened and that cocky grin appeared on his face.

"Well look who it is." He practically skipped up to me and kissed my forehead. "Too what do i owe this beautiful sight so early in the morning?"

He glanced at the book I had been pretending to read. "Cleaning spells?" He asked.

I quickly looked at the book and realized I had grabbed someone else's book. I put it away quickly put away in the bag and smiled. "I was just uh.. don't worry about it. And I thought I'd accompany you to finishing your work."

"Well for once I have my all my work done I was coming to meet you."

"Why me?" I asked.

"I'm going on the trip as well. I'm not sure how but when I asked Weasley again last night she said that my form had already been signed."

Ominis was fast. I had asked him to ask Anne only two days ago.

"That's amazing! That means we'll all be going!" We both grinned at each other.

"Is breakfast usually served this early?" Sebastian asked. "Since you are already here we can just head over." As he spoke the floor began to move slightly but enough for us to stop walking and look around.

Even a few of the portraits that were waking up seemed to look around confused as to what was going on.

"An earthquake? That's not usually a thing around here." Sebastian touched the wall to steady himself.

I suddenly remembered what Professor Sharp had mentioned to me during class one day. "It's the repository." I said to my self softly. But of course Sebastian heard.

"Why would the repository being making the school shake?"

"I'm starting to think I didn't close it properly."

We both looked at each other in silence. He could read my face and began shaking his head. "No, no as much as I used to be the one encouraging this, you are not in the head space to do this."

I started walking towards the entrance to the map chamber as Sebastian chased after me.

"Ava, let's hold on a second." He touched my hand and I finally stopped. We were next to the giant doors that lead to the quidditch field. "Let's not go try to save the world if it doesn't need to be saved. Maybe it's just settling or something ancient magic does. You-" he pointed at me, "you said your self you want this year to be as normal as possible."

"That's before I had to kill my sister for killing my brother who was pretending to be you."

I could tell Sebastian couldn't really deny that so I started to start walking again only for him to quickly get on front of me. "But it's not just you this time. We could help, right? You have people who will be not happy if you did something this big without asking or letting others know first.

He was right. And doing this alone probably wouldn't suck as much. I sighed, "what's your plan, then?"

He smiled and took both my hands, "okay, first let's do this trip, have a small amount of normalcy then When we get back I'll gather everyone somewhere where you can talk to them properly."

"Who?" I asked.

"Me, of course, Poppy and Ominis. Maybe Natty and Garreth, they were there that day." He tried to think of there was anyone else when a voice called behind me.

"Oh, Good morning Ava... and Sebastian." Leander sheepishly greeted.

"Morning Leander." I smiled.

Sebastian didn't even respond. Just gave him a quick wave before putting all his attention back on me. "Not Leander."

"Absolutely last choice if we must. He is good at dueling and who knows what's down there."

Sebastian rolled his eyes and leaned into kiss me. The kiss was a bit stronger then he had given me in the past. It definitely was jealousy. Not that I felt he had anything to be jealous of.

I could hear Leander quickly shuffle off. Sebastian leaned back smiling but stopped when he saw my face.


"Don't just kiss me because you get jealous."

He scoffed, obviously jealous, "I'm not jealous at all. Let's go get breakfast." He turned me back the way I came and towards the great hall.

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