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I looked up at the big sign in gold that read, La Dolce Vita. I assumed thats the name of the restaurant as I continued to follow close behind Grey as he lead me inside.

It looked elegant with waiters walking around with fancy glasses on marbled trays. Not to mention everyone in here was dressed to perfection. I started to feel a little self conscious once I noticed that half the girls in here where wearing much fancier dresses than I was.

Before I knew it Grey looped his arm in mine and walked me towards the back. I'm assuming this is a reserved area since nobody else was back this far.

Four new faces run up to Grey and I with warm smiles. One of the men hugs Grey and pats him on the back. He looked younger than Grey with blonde hair and a scrawny body type.

"You must be Hayley, right?" He said holding out his hand for me to take. It took me a second to realize he was talking to me but I slowly took his hand and smiled.

"Yes, i'm Hayley," I said. I'm cringing in the inside while this man continues to shake my hand firmly. I let go fast and bring my hand back down to my side.

"Nice to meet you. I'm Pierce and this right here is my wife, Amber." He said in a rough accent.

I looked over next to him who stood the most gorgeous woman i've even seen. She wore a purple dress with slits on the sides. She was short, shorter than me and i'm 5'5. But that didn't stop her from looking absolutely stunning with her fiery red hair tied up into a fancy bun and her golden heels tied perfectly around her ankles.

I gulped in some air as I tried to regain my balance. I started to feel even more self conscious than before.

I smiled at her while she waved. "I love your dress you look magnificent," She complimented.

"Thank you. I love your dress too!!" I said complimenting her back.

I could see her mouth open until she got cut off- "I'm ready for a drink. You can introduce yourselves later." Grey said with bored facial expression. They all nodded and got out of the way for us to sit down.

The table was a small rectangle that was big enough to sit all 6 of us. I took my seat next to Grey knowing I didn't have a choice. Pierce and the other guy who was dressed in all white sat next to each other while Amber sat next to me and the other beautiful woman sat across.

The men started talking instantly in another language but i'm pretty sure it was Italian. I started to play with my hands in my lap as I tried to think of something to say.

"I'm Megan, Megan Oscar." I look up at the woman across the table who had just introduced herself.

I nodded. "It's nice to meet you." l said as I crossed my legs underneath the table.

Amber looks over at the men and back over to us and rolls her eyes. "You would think by now that they would trust us with their little secrets." She said in a whisper for only us two to hear.

I knew Grey had no reason to trust me but these woman married into the mafia for love and not even there lovers trust them. I was kind of shocked. Megan laughed and that's when I noticed her eye color, a bright blue.

"I'm pretty sure it's all stuff Mark will take to his grave." She said looking over to the guy in white. I'm assuming that she's married to him just by the way she looks at him.

I never got how people could fall in love with such monsters. They kill people for a living and you still love them? You still care for these men who could care less about you? None of it made sense. All of these girls where just blinded by love. But I was the only one who wasn't. I despised him. He took me and put a ring on my finger to make a deal with who? My fucking brother.

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