Chapter 1, Part 12

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Spicy shit😈😈 (big yellow stars at the end if you wanna skip!!! Ex: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️)
Clove pov:

My jacket flies off my body onto the crunchy floor. Our lips hadn't left each others touch until we slipped our shirts off, even after that they never parted. My hands feel around his abs until i find the belt connected to his green jeans. I mess with it until i'm able to pull it off. One of his hands is placed on my hip and the other is running down my pants

i let out a breathy moan when he kissed down my body all the way to my belly button. His fingers lace themselves into my zipper "may i?" i can only nod because if i try to say anything it'll only come out as a high pitched moan. He pulls my pants and underwear down. Then a clunk comes from behind him. It's a metal canteen attached to a little parachute. He opens it while i stand helplessly by the tree.

"what is it?" he turns and holds up a packet "a condom-" i giggle, of course someone sent this. "they're all gonna see us doing this!" i laugh-yell "well then let's put on a good show~" he rips the packet open and pulls his jeans down. He's wearing a pair of black boxers with his name printed on the band. "those are ridiculous~" i laugh at them, "what? gotta stay stylish!" he soon enough pulls them down. he slides the condom on and corners me again. "alright jump" i scrunch my eyebrows together

"jump..?" he nods, i guess i'll just go with it i guess? i take a jump and his arms reach my legs, he uses his arms to support me. The tree bark scratches my back but him starting to go in distracts me from it. "oh fuck!" i gasp when he swiftly pushes himself the rest of the way in. "god fuck!" i yell out, he uses his hands to cover my mouth. I should probably be quieter, it'll be better for us.


w king caesar flickerman🙌🏻:
3rd person pov🤮:
"oh game makers! you might wanna cover a little bit of this! looks like Cato and Clove are having a bit of 'fun'!" a blur spreads across their exposed bodies. Caesar looks to the crowd with a wide blush across his face from the sounds Clove is making. "They seem to be having some fun! Let's check on someone else huh?" the crowd yells a whole bunch of 'boos' to him but the camera changes anyways.

Clove pov again:

I zip up my pants and fix my messy hair "we have got to do that more often" he sighs out as he pulls his shirt back over his head. "you know we can't Cato" i say back, we're in the hunger games for crying out loud! "Well we have all the time in the world to not die!" he says after buttoning his pants. "let's go, they're probably worried" i can't talk about dying. I'm not one to be emotional of anything but, i'm scared to lose him. I really am. I don't know what id do when i get back home

I grab the logs and soon enough i can hear the crackle of our fire. Glimmer is asleep on her jacket, Marvel is leaning on a tree and Peeta is sleeping with his head in between his legs. "throw them in" the flames grow bigger once they're set in. "go to sleep i'll keep watch" Cato sits next to me by the fire "i love you" i say as my eyes betray me "i love you too" he kisses my head and i find myself falling asleep.


"There she is!" Marvel yells when he sees Katniss floating in the pond water "she's mine!" Glimmer yells as they all start to chase her down. "not if i get her first!" she's real fast, she had enough speed to climb up a tree. Cato makes an awful attempt to climb up the tree and Glimmer shoots her arrow but misses by a mile. I have the power and size to climb the tree but i just choose not to. I wanna let her live a little longer so i can kill her in private.

She's gonna die a painful death. And it's gonna be me who does it.
"she can't stay up there forever, let's just wait her out" Peeta suggests "he's right" Marvel says, i plop down onto the green grass.

a loud crack fills my audio. I shoot up and i'm stung a few times. These have to be tracker jackers, i slap around anywhere these little fuckers try and sting. Glimmer is screaming her ass off, she's being attacked the most "to the lake!!!!" Cato screams, i can barely see but i can hear the smooth sound of water. I leap into the lake and all the buzzing stops. I swim up above the surface and gasp for air.

My eyes are jittery and are in search for the familiar blonde head of hair. He's gasping for air also. Marvel is still under the water though. I pull myself up onto a nearby rock and ring my clothes out. My bra is showing through the wet contents. "shit! my knife!" i search through my pockets for my favorite knife. It's gold with my initials carved into it. It was a gift from a sponsor. I jolt up and look in the water. The sunlight reflects off of something gold.

I take a step back and dive in, hearing Cato scream at me to not do it. The lake is pretty deep with a heavy tide. It takes me a second to reach my knife and when i finally have it in my clutch i'm pulled away by the current.

I can't breath.

I can't breath


The next thing i remember is waking up in Cato's arms. "Fucking finally! I thought you were dead!" he exclaims "what the fuck happened?" my head hurts like a mother fucker. "you were out cold for around 5 days" (NON CANON DONT COME FOR ME) "you dove into the water and passed out from lack of oxygen" i look around at my surroundings and we're sitting in front of a few trees "i have good news though," i sit up from the position i'm in to face him

"what?" Katniss is dead? "Templesmith, he said two victors may be crowned if they originate from the same district. He also added that two districts may be victorious if both tributes remain alive" a smile paint's across my face "you mean, we can win? together?" i grab his face "you and me baby" i kiss all along his face "we can go home! we'll be rich!" i stand up and jump up and down. I look to Marvel, shit. We'll have to kill him.

We still have that Thresh guy, and Rue girl also and someone else, i just can't put my finger on it.. Peeta and Katniss should be fine i guess, if their alive that is. I slide a knife out of my boot and his face drops. "Hey.. put that-" i chuck the knife at him and it grazes his side. "Fuck!" he shoot's up and sprints away as fast as he can. "let's go!" I yell at Cato, he stands up and we both run after him. He dashes through the trees and i can hear Rue and Katniss. "wait-!" i put my arm in front of Cato's body.

Rue got caught in our trap from a few days ago. "we can get him!" Cato tries pushing past me but i shush him. "look... he's gonna try and kill both of them.. i have a feeling that won't end good for him." i observe carefully as he gets an arrow straight to his chest. And Rue? she has a trident sticking out of her stomach. I can hear Katniss screaming when she finally closes her eyes and three canons fill our audio. What no, that can be accurate. Who else could have died? Most likely not Thresh, not Katniss. So it's either that ginger girl or Peeta.

<><><><><><ya girl dk what to put here dttm><><><>
(this is gonna start at the beginning of a fight at the cornucopia and then next chapter will focus more on it in the next chapter! also the end of the games will happen next chapter too!)

"All tributes, please make your way to the center of the arena! We will be having a face off between the listed tributes!" I hear Seneca Crane on the intercoms "Clove Kentwell, Cato Hadley, Maria Osama-" shit! Maria, that's who was left. I haven't seen her around at all! "Thresh Morrowson, Katniss Everdeen, and Peeta Mellark! You have 30 consecutive minutes to get to the tree line or you will die." I look to Cato who's already looking at me

"let's go, this is it. this is our victory!" he kisses me, i have no hesitation to not kiss back. "now let's go!" I grab his arm and we dash through the woods, it took about 25ish minutes to finally reach the tree line, in sight of the cornucopia. From where we are standing i can see Thresh, Katniss and Maria.

Shits about to go down.

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