Kyles older brother, chapter 1

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Kyles pov:

I woke up to my alarm waking me up for school. It was Tuesday, I sighed getting up and changing into my clothes, brushing my hair and hiding it with my green hat.

I walked downstairs to the kitchen, my mom greeted me, "hello Kyle I've made some pancakes you can sit down at the table and eat with your brother Liam"

I sat down across Liam and ate my pancakes. Once I finished I walked outside the front door, Liam following me short afterwards.

"Hey Kyle, have i ever met your friends at school, maybe I should, as your older brother i need to look out for you" Liam said to me chuckling a bit

I replied "I mean I guess you could, but you are barely my older brother you are only a year older than me."

"Still older than you." He said, once again laughing

We got to school and Liam first grabbed his bags from his locker then we walked towards mine, where me and my friends normally met during the morning because ¾ of us had our locker quite close there while cartman had his locker quite far away.

"Hey Kyle" Kenny mumbled at me when I got to my locker.

"Hey guys, I want you guys to meet my older brother" I gestured towards my brother and he waved

I saw my brother reach out his wand to stan saying, "Hi, I'm Liam whats your name?"

"Hey, I'm Stan Marsh" stan replied to my brother, taking his hand and shaking it.

"Nice to meet you"

The bell rang and my brother went opposite direction and me, Kenny, Stan and Cartman went to our classroom

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