Took you long enough!

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Taeye. Pov

I fiddled with my nails, "Where are you, Yami?" My eyes becoming weary. My shoulders drooped.

"....................." Said the Man. I saw Virion gliding in the air talking to him, My eyes refused to shut. I had to stay awake, to be on defense for anything that may happen.

Dr.Owen Pov.

"Ah, so she is from foreign land," I consolidated my knowledge based of what Virion told me. The woman sat slouched against the wall.

"Yes," virion landed in the palm of my hand. "This is not my true form, I simply prefer to be smaller so I may travel with my master,"

"I see," I was truly fascinated by this Beast. "If I may ask, what are you exactly?"

"I am Virion a dragon, spirit of elements," Virion began to levitate.

"Incredible..." My eyes were wide with wonder.

"Yes indeed," I chuckled at the dragons antics.

"When will these.... Knights arrive?" Virion made himself comfortable in the palm of my hand.

"By noon. I suspect it will take a while considering how busy they are." Virion hummed in agreement.

"- ..........-" the woman stood up. I took the chance to admire her foreign beauty, her deep brown eyes held a look of worry.

Virion flew onto her shoulder, while she replied with incoherent words I could barely understand, her voice dripping with tiredness.

I watched as she seated herself on the floor arms rested and hands on her chest.

She then yawned and began to sway from side to side. I struggled to cover my laugh tears pricking at my eyes. A hand went to my eyes to wipe them away.

I glanced over at Virion who was sweatdropping.


The woman was still swaying.
Virion was just sweatdropping.
And I was still chocking.

I heard the door behind me, my eyes drifted towards virion.


"Mmmmmmmmmm," I continued to meditate until I heard loud laughs and snickers. I looked up and caught Yami doubled over and the knight with the beautiful purple eyes with an amused smile.

I locked eyes with him, I felt heat rush to my face, as my chest began to throb.

I this feeling...
He smiled at me or more of deviously smirked, I felt my face pull into a smirk and a hand rise to hide my red face.

I did a fake, believable sneeze successfully masking my red face for sickness.

"You arrived!" I jumped up. My arms wide, Yami strolled over and pulled me into a tight hug earning a shocked looks from the people around.

"Course I did," he chuckled, I could only laugh as tears pricked at my eyes.

"People are so confusing I can't even communicate with a fishlady!" I whined a pout on my face.
Yami just laughed at me, making me sink in my own despair.


I was met with quite a funny sight, the stunning woman I saw before was sat Criss crossed, with her arms on her chest swaying back and forth, her lovely eyes clenched shut.

I smiled to myself, a chuckle escaping, I had to say, like that, she could put a smile on patri's face.

I watched as her eyes snapped open and her eyes met mine, I could feel my heart beat quicken and a large rush of heat rose to my face.

I was so glad I had my mask to hide it. I smiled+smirked at her (his usual smile) amused at her red face, ofcourse, only she and I will know...

She sneezed cutely, a hand coming down to her side, she began to talk with Yami, until he bursted out laughing while she sulked in the corner.

I found myself chuckling at her antics. I strolled towards her, I kneeled and kissed her hand,her skin was soft and delicate.

She smirked at me, causing my face to turn beat red, luckily my mask hid most of it.

"William," she tilted her head cutely.
She then spoke to Yami.

"Don't worry Goldie-guts she just asked if that was your name," I nodded and smiled.

"Yes, indeed it is."


We rode on our brooms away from the tower, Taeye, I believe her name was, was currently sleeping on my shoulders her head in the crook of my neck.

Yami suggested I carry her as my robe would be much more comfortable for her.
My eyes traced her Marvelous features, her shallow warm breaths sending child down my spine.

"Hey Goldie! Stop eyeing my cuz you creep!" Yami flew closer towards me.

"I apologize, she's too mesmerizing too ignore," My eyes widened, how could I let that slip out?

Yami began to laugh loudly, my face turned red once again. "Hey looks like Goldie-guts has the hots for my cousin!!!" He slapped my shoulder.

"Please, shut up Yami..." I wished my mask could hide my embarrassment more.

"Wait till I tell her!" Yami chuckled.
"Wait-What no!" I began to panic.
"Don't sweat it Goldie I won't say a word," Yami smiled, something rare.

"Just promise me you'll take care of her," I nodded profusely "I will,"

"And if you don't, I'll kill you!" A dark aura eminated around Yami.

"Yes but... My face is an eyesore, there's no way someone as beautiful as she could ever love... Someone like me," my heart began to ache. It would be impossible, and I knew it all too well.

"Hey don't be so pessimistic ... my cousin doesnt really like the prospect of 'quick love' it'll take more than just words, I saw the way she looked at's not impossible,"

"Really..?" I felt my eyes glisten with hope.

"Yeah, if you treat her right, love her like she wants to be loved.. and listen to her, then she won't care what you look like." Yami trailed off, I listened intently into what he had to say.

I listened on continuosly my eyes swirling with curiosity and hope.

Maybe... I could be worthy of her...

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