CHAPTER 03 (A DEAL [2] )

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I'll refer to the Authors POV as [A/n] from now on and my alternate self as [AS/n].

Because why not, i can talk to myself while written, multitask ya know. The other self agrees while the other disagrees.

."I would love to stay and Chat with you but i have my duties"

The Goddess seems sad she then bend close and kisses Cale's forehead.

[I give this Child the Blessing of love may you receive the Love you deserve and be happy]

The Goddess then took Cale's hand and kissed the back of it.

"There now i gave you my blessings and passed onto you my ability!"

The Goddess smiled towards Cale and looked at The God.

"The others couldn't come and said they would give their blessings and abilities when they have a chance"

The God nods as the Goddess gets back to Cale. "So Cale I've been thinking would you like to be my sa-"

The Goddess was immediately pushed and thrown out of the Gods domain as she never get to finish what she was about to speak.

-Ahem...Anyway Cale i have a proposal, in this way it would be much easier for you to Call me.


The God suddenly became serious as he said the following.

"What do you say about becoming my Saint Cale?"


Waking up from his long slumber Cale propped himself up and scanned the whole room, his door opened revealing hans.

Hans who was shocked to see him awake, quickly ran outside to tell deruth.

The strange dream he had got was very weird and tiring, he just learned much more about the thames family and that they actually served a god.

He then tries to get up, strangely he felt like his body was much more lighter and easily got up without feeling any sort of pain.

Was this his grandfathers regeneration ability?

It was very useful, he went into the bathroom to stare at himself in the mirror, his face was oddly glowing and his hair was very shinny and silky.

His face right up his forehead still had a scar from choi-hans beating but he paid no mind to it, with or without the scar he was still beautiful.

Cale decided to move immediately trying to immediately sort out the things that would happen in the future.

He would make the henituse county a place where not even a dragons rage could penetrate and destroy it.

He doesn't care about the others, they should seek solace from the heroes not from him, the people who are important to him are his family and not the entire world.

For now it was okay for him to be selfish, if it meant making his family survive. And so he had to act once again.

He looked at himself in the mirror.

Not the trashy young master act but a man who turned a new leaf act.

Cale wanted to know if he woke up a bit late or early, he wanted to quickly go to the place where his brother was and get him out of there.

He got out to see Hans standing right at the door shaking, you could tell he was afraid, The person who was supposed to be there was not here.

So Cale thought that Ron had also left him.

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