five : : idk what to call this chapter-

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Quietly I inspect the room before the door creeks open. I don't bother to look up, and continue playing with strands of my hair. "What are you-" He yells. Quickly he adjusts his voice to a whisper-shout, "What are you doing in my room!?" "What was that!?" Asks a woman's voice from behind the door. "Nothing, Aunt May-" He calls out. " I watch as he frantically starts throwing things around the room. "Are you the Spider..." He pauses, his face lighting up a little. "...Ling. Y'know. From youtube?" I continue to ask. He sighs, also continuing. "Listen, I saw you with Mr Stark, and I don't know what exactly you're doing here but I already agreed to go to Berlin," He states.

I also roll my eyes. "I need your help," I say standing up to face him properly. I soften my tone. "Please?" I ask looking into his eyes. We both go silent for a moment before his Aunt enters the room. "Peter I was thinki- Oh. Is this another secret you've been keeping from me?" She asks looking me up and down, then over to the Spiderboy. "How'd she even get into the room?" She asks. Quickly I pitch in, "I got here ages ago, I was assessing his living arrangements for the.. stark.... thing?" I'm not an incredible liar but May seemed to go with it. "Right, the secret-internship," The woman says patting Spidey on the shoulder. "Right," he agrees, sighing. "Anyways you passed, thus Mr Stark was alerted. Now I best get going," I say glaring disappointingly at Spiderthing. Quietly I walk out, making eye contact with him till reaching the door.


I quickly help Mr Stark out of the webbing, walking him to the door. Aunt may gives me a stern look before pulling me into another hug. "We'll talk over dinner," She states. I feel a smile growing on my face, though it immediately vanishes as I notice a girl on the floor of my room. She was really pretty. I simply stare at her for a moment as I remember seeing her earlier. 

Snapping out of it, I begin to yell, "What are you-" Quickly I stop myself. "What are you doing in my room!?" I whisper-shout. "What was that!?" Aunt May yells back. She finally looks up at me. I start going through my bag, refilling my web shooter, and throwing the rest of the web fluid onto my bed. "Are you the Spider..." My face lights up a bit proud of my efforts, though my smile quickly fades again as she continues. "....Ling? Y'know. From youtube?" I sigh, explaining to her Ironman already spoke to me, but she merely rolls her eyes.

"I need your help." I look at her. She was now stood right infront of me, and seemed anxious. "Please?" I simply look into her eyes. I could tell she was nervous about something. Quickly I'm brought back to earth as Aunt May enters the room. "Peter I was thinki- Oh. Is this another secret you've been keeping from me?" I rub my neck, resting my hands on my shoulders. "How'd she even get into the room!?" She asks. To be fair I wonder that too. The girl quickly comes up with an excuse to leave, looking over to me with sad eyes as she does so.

I watch as she leaves, unable to help an overwhelming feeling of guilt and confusion. As she reaches the door we break eye contact and Aunt May turns to me. "I'm going to hurry and get that dinner ready and then you're going to tell me what's going on." Quickly I nod. "Yeah, okay." Slowly I shut the door, falling backwards onto the bed. I feel a cold breeze and look over to my window. She must've climbed through.

Laying there in silence I look over to my laundry basket where I'd thrown my suit into. I wonder why she was at the school with Mr Stark, why she was in my room, and more importantly. Why does she need help? As questions flock my brain I eventually get up, hiding my suit in the attack opening again. 


ok so i took awhile writing this.... and it's still shit... and short..........

 but we're slowly getting there....

chapter inspo: nonee

next chapter: idk :')

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 22, 2023 ⏰

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