three : : team ironman

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Proud of myself I flop onto the bed taking a quick breather. A moment later a spring back up a little light headed, as I'd spent all day working on this and had skipped meals. I sigh stumbling over to the door. Swinging the door open I'm scared as Happy steps back grabbing his heart. "You- You scared me," He says exhaling. "I scared you!?" I ask sarcastically, as I try to calm my breathing. We go silent for a moment, before I continue walking off. "Hey kid, Wait!" Pausing I sigh, turning to face him shrugging. "You're not meant to leave my sight," He states. 'Damn, they really don't trust me,'  I think to myself. "Alright c'mon then," I say.

Walking around the compound I notice small stashes of food Dad must've hidden. I stop to steal a blueberry or two before continuing my walk. "You really shouldn't be taking that," Happy says. "And why not?" I ask. "Because it's Mr Starks." Rolling my eyes I pop another in my mouth before continuing along.

Once again I pause, coming across a meeting room. By now I'd sped ahead of Happy and he'd stopped to catch his breathe. I look left and right, double checking I wouldn't be seen. Quickly I hide in the glass room, helping myself onto a spinny-chair. Twirling round on it I mimic the different avengers. I chuckle at myself before spinning back to the table. I look down at the papers, picking up a couple.



- War Machine <3

- Vision

- Wanda?

- Nat???

- The Black Panther

- Peter Parker/Spiderkid?


I flinch slightly spotting the list. I stare intensely at the final name, before being spooked by Happy again. Hurriedly I drop the papers, now fiddling with my hands. He spins the chair round so I'm facing him. I slouch back, defeated. I get up off the seat, stealing a packet of chips on the way out of the room. I wait outside the room eating, as I await a lengthy lecture. 

As Happy flaps around cleaning up the mess I'd made, I begin to zone out, thinking about the Spider-thing. Is Dad really recruiting the onesie-kid off of youtube? When Pepper and him started talking about a 'Spiderling' I hadn't thought for a moment they'd be adding them to some super-hero team.

I'm soon drawn out of my thoughts as a voice calls my name. "Y/n Freeda Star-" I quickly interrupt, "What's 'team ironman'?" He pauses for a moment, shocked I'd stopped him, and concerned I know too much. "I.. uhh... You weren't meant... Just.. Don't get involved." I roll my eyes, continuing to eat. Happy soon changes the subject, "Have you.. uhh... chosen a school... yet?" Ignoring him I finish my walk around the compound, this time Happy closer on my trail. I retreat back to my room, soon getting back to work. 


After hours of trying to use Dad's access to government files and surveillance footage I give up and resort to facebook. It took me about 20 minutes until finding a May Parker. I chuckle a bit looking through the photos. The Peter boy was kind of cute, but that's not why I needed to find him.

Eventually locating the school I print out a registration form. I feel a smile grow on my face as a feeling of pride grew too. This was the first genuine emotion I've had in awhile. Feels good.

I heard the door creak. I refuse to look up from the papers as I begin filling in the form. "Hey... kiddo...." Dad says, trying to make an effort. "Please... don't..." I say mimicking the pauses. "Yep, didn't feel right the second I said it." I nod my head in agreeance as I lean back, looking over at him.

"Wanda made some sort of Chilli if you want some?" He asks. I take a deep breathe. "I'll be fine for now," I pause. "But I would like for you to sign these papers." I look at him hopeful, as I hand him the form. "This school's in Queens," He says looking through the papers. "And..? You said you'd let me take a Jet to school," I remind him, spinning round on my stool. He looks at me, then back to the papers, squinting his eyes slightly. "Well played," He states, as I begin to smile again. He pats me on the back and my smile begins to fade, pursing my lips as the awkward silence creeps us on us. "Yeah, no-" "Alright, definitley not there yet," we say, talking over the top of each other, removing his hand from my shoulder.


Kinda shit- but it's just the build up dw :)

Next chapter: sometime this week

Chapter inspo: .......

My Spiderling | Y/n Stark x Peter ParkerWhere stories live. Discover now