Chapter 18 - "Mr Manik Moody..."

Start from the beginning

Nandini mouths admonishingly while unfolding the dress fully. The view widens her eyes. It's a knee-length dress. Manik knows she never wears so short dresses. He knew it. That's why he wrote that anticipatory line. Nandini folds her lower lip and slouches on the couch. It's 3:30 pm. She has enough time to get ready. First of all, she needs a relaxing shower. Nandini pandiculates and unwillingly leaves the couch.


Manik checks the mailbox for the last time and shuts the laptop. He glances at the wristwatch and taps the calling bell. Within a second, a peon appears.

"Tell the driver to take out the car and keep the bag in it."

Manik orders and without wasting any time storms out of his cabin slinging the blazer from his shoulder.

"James must have delivered the box to Nandini. I am dying to see her in that dress."

The thought brings an instant smile to Manik's lips. Since they got married, Manik and Nandini hardly went on any date or vacation. There are many reasons behind it. First of all, Manik was busy establishing his business, reputation and hold in a new country. Secondly, he was busy with his old friends. Thirdly, Mini was born just 9 months after their settlement in Manhattan and Nandini's full concentration was on her newly born and Rishav. Last and most importantly, he was busy shielding Nandini and himself from the reach of the Indian police force. However, he never really felt that Nandini or Mini are missing his attention or involvement in their lives and vice versa. Most probably, he became a bit reluctant about the truth that he has a small world consisting of three close people and they are safe in his paradise. Manik gets into the car and is about to order the chauffeur to head home his phone rings.

"Yes, Ayan! Everything is alright?"

Manik asks eagerly. Ayan replies something from the other side which hardens the lines of his face. Manik replies in a flat and stern voice,

"I am coming. Hold him."

He cuts the call and commands in an intimidating voice,

"Doyers Street. Take to my lake house."

After 15 to 20 minutes their car reaches the destination. Manhattan is an island that spills over into Marble Hills and is surrounded by three rivers, Hudson, East River and Harlem. It's a beautiful and famous city with culture and wealth. Manik bought this lake house just 6 months ago. Till now, he couldn't get Nandini, Mini and Rishav to visit this place. The car stops in front of the main entrance. Manik gets down and meanwhile, Ayan comes out of the house.

"Where is he? Where did you get him from?"

Manik asks ardently. Ayan replies in a worried voice,

"Ayamaan Sir informed me that his men nabbed a person who was involved in that car blast. Arya Sir instructed his men to kill him but I requested him to hand over him to me. I needed some important information."


Manik sounds puzzled. Ayan nods and adds,

"He admitted that he planted the bomb in your car but it was not for you. His hire authority ordered him to fix it in Arya Sir's car but he got misled by the car's colour and almost the similar number plate. No doubt it was a misfire of Arya Sir's rival gang. But that man saw something more which is related to you, Sir."

Without using a word, Manik arches his brow. Ayan continues,

"He saw a man who picked up a mobile from the blast spot and even saw him calling someone. That mobile must be..."

Manik finishes,

"Mine. He called Nandini. He is the man behind Nandini's problem. Did he recognize the person who called Nandini from my phone?"

Manik asks. Ayan sways his head in negative and replies,

"No, Sir. But I think you can get an idea from his description."

Manik hardens his jaw and steps inside the house. It's almost 6 pm and he has to pick Nandini up by 7 pm.


4 hours have passed. Right now, Manik and Nandini are sitting inside a posh restaurant cum bar in New York City. The neon bulbs are flashing the name, Vol de Nuit. Manik places the order and concentrates on Nandini, who is sitting on the opposite stool having a deep frown on his forehead. Since they started from home, Nandini didn't speak a single word. The reason is she was ready since 6:30 pm, however, Manik came around 9 pm. After that, they had a trivial argument about Manik's punctuality and Nandini's dress. According to Nandini, she is looking fat in this short dress and Manik was arguing about his choice. Needless to say, at the end of the fight, Manik won and Nandini had to bow in front of his awesome dress sense.

"Is it going to be like this?"

Eventually, Manik breaks the silence. Without saying anything, Nandini arches her brow at him. Manik clears his voice and says,

"Look Nandini, I was late because I got stuck on some work. I didn't mean to keep you waiting. And I said sorry for that but that doesn't mean you will spoil the dinner with this grumpy face of yours. Come on, I expected this date to be the best one."

"And I expected you to prioritise me over your other work. At least for today when I anticipated so many things after getting your gift and the letter. Manik, I never stop you to do your work but nowadays I start feeling that I, Mini and Rishav come second when it's a question of your priority.

Nandini sounds hurt.

Author's note: Will Manik and Nandini's dinner date get spoiled by their arguments or it eventually will turn into a romantic one? Keep reading to know.

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